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Imperial Library
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The Sharing Economy
1: Neighbourhood mailbox stickers that display items to share
2: Custom electric carpooling offering affordable transport
3: A peer-to-peer home-cooking start-up that treats workers fairly
4: A kid-to-kid toy app introducing children to the sharing economy
5: An app broadcasting to local users to ask for help
6: The Airbnb of film locations
7: The sharing economy for currency exchange
8: Free lodging for travellers chatting in their mother tongue
9: A social site for data scientists to boost collaboration
10: Turning online ratings into one reputation score
Smart Cities
11: Tackling noise pollution through smart-city research
12: A platform to visualize government data for entrepreneurs
13: Real-time big data to manage traffic in the Philippines
14: A free, open, crowdsourced city-wide IoT network
15: Trialling a crowdsourced constitution in Mexico City
16: An app to let constituents help balance their city’s budget
17: Open data for transit app developers
18: Free Wi-Fi from clean air in Amsterdam
19: Energy-efficient street lights that are also mosquito traps
20: Ambulances in Sweden that can hijack in-car radios
21: A green computer server that heats homes for free
22: Converting human waste into crude oil
23: A freestanding smart home: portable and eco-friendly
24: A no-waste, edible emergency drone to carry food
25: A farm-to-table organic restaurant that reduces waste
26: A micro-library built with ice-cream buckets
27: Using blockchain to tell a product’s story
28: Charging electric vehicles for a dollar a day
29: ‘Feed this trashcan for free Wi-Fi’
30: Using blockchain technology for green energy
31: A virtual-reality stadium that lets distant friends watch the game together
32: Personalizing films to the viewer’s taste
33: A flexible paywall that lets users choose how they pay
34: A pay-per-article platform aiming to be Spotify for news
35: Could virtual-reality news stories replace traditional news media?
36: The right podcast for every journey
37: Making TV viewers participants in interactive drama
38: Using eye-tracking technology for accurate viewing data
39: A game to unlock a bonus track for music fans
40: A radio station that plays only on Williamsburg Bridge, New York City
41: Using DNA analysis to tailor drugs to each patient
42: A pharmacy app prescribing virtual-reality pain relief
43: Studying 3D-rendered organs in virtual reality before surgery
44: 3D pill printing for personalized doses
45: Using big data to predict hospital admissions
46: A snowy virtual-reality world reducing the pain of burns
47: Using artificial intelligence for in-depth analysis of medical scans
48: A smart medical kit for home check-ups
49: MakerNurse: realizing inventive nurses’ ideas:
50: A chatbot using artificial intelligence for medical diagnosis
The Workplace
51: A crowdsourced website to flag up sexism in the workplace
52: Free energy audits for small businesses from competing local students
53: A virtual-reality platform for nervous public speakers
54: Training tattoo artists to spot skin cancer
55: Apartment pods that can move between cities
56: Free co-working space in exchange for online content
57: Opening up homes as communal office spaces
58: Postal workers who also mow the lawn
59: Using big data to predict court decisions
60: A smart employee badge to improve staff efficiency
61: AI glasses that help children with autism read facial expressions
62: Smart hearing aids using IFTTT for personalization
63: An interactive encyclopaedia of things using object-recognition software
64: Connected clothing that donates itself if not frequently worn
65: Remote patient–doctor relationships using telepresence robots
66: The first robot internship using telepresence
67: An app to help paralysed stroke victims communicate emotions
68: A communication system for health-care professionals
69: Jibo, a social robot for the home
70: City sensors to make bill paying easier and track urban health
71: Peer-to-peer coding workshops run by high-school students
72: Free accommodation for students at a Dutch care home
73: Refugees earn an income by talking to students of Arabic
74: Survey tools helping schools assess the classroom experience
75: Bringing education to disadvantaged communities in Ghana
76: Inspiring creativity in elderly citizens through street art
77: A surprise virtual-reality road trip to Mars for children
78: A playful DIY computer screen for kids
79: Live-streamed professional coding sessions for all
80: A robot to help children improve their handwriting
81: Transparency in the production of handmade furniture
82: Virtual reality that lets shoppers pick beauty product ingredients
83: The IoT coffee grinder that knows when to order more beans
84: Personalized customer service from an Apple watch
85: The smart camera that monitors fridge contents
86: Bringing online cookie functionalities to the mall
87: Downloadable designer furniture that can be made locally
88: A scanner that helps shoppers find what they want
89: A delivery drone network charged by home solar panels
90: Using beacons in Mumbai to help small businesses advertise
91: Guided tours with former gang members in Panama
92: Interactive local guides from holiday property hosts
93: A robot service for lost airport travellers
94: A sustainable travel platform that is reinventing tourism
95: Sharing a boutique hotel with young refugees
96: A site that lets amateur travel agents earn cash
97: Offsetting your carbon footprint by booking an eco-friendly hotel
98: Name-your-price hotel rooms
99: Trading local travel tips in a ‘goodness’ marketplace
100: Designing your own luxury pop-up hotel
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