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Imperial Library
The Day of Doom Or, a Poetical Description of the Great and Last Judgement
Memoir of the Author.
To the Christian Reader.
On the Following Work and its Author.
A Prayer Unto Christ the Judge of the World.
The Day of Doom
The security of the world before Christ’s coming to judgment.
The suddenness, Majesty and Terror of Christ’s appearing.
Resurrection of the Dead.
The living changed
All brought to Judgment.
The Sheep separated from the Goats.
Who are Christ’s Sheep.
The Goats described, or the several sorts of Reprobates on the left hand.
The Saints cleared and justified.
They are placed on Thrones to join with Christ in judging the wicked.
The wicked brought to the Bar.
Secret sins and works of darkness brought to light.
An account demanded of all their actions.
Hypocrites plead for themselves.
The Judge replyeth.
Another plea of the Hypocrites.
The answer.
Another sort of Hypocrites make their pleas.
The Judge uneaseth them.
Civil honest men’s pleas.
Are taken off and rendered invalid.
Those that pretend want of opportunity to repent.
Are confuted and convicted.
Some plead examples of their betters.
Who are told that examples are no Rules.
They urge that they were led by godly men’s Examples. But all their shifts turn to their greater shame.
Some plead the Scripture’s darkness, and difference among Interpreters.
They are confuted.
Others the fear of persecution.
They are answered.
Others plead for pardon from God’s Mercy and Justice.
They are answered.
Mercy now shines forth in the vessels of Mercy.
Did also wait upon such as abused it.
The day of Grace now past
Some pretend they were shut out of Heaven by God’s Decree.
Their pleas taken off.
Heathen men plead want of the Written Word.
Insufficiency of the light of Nature.
They are answered.
Reprobate Infants plead for themselves.
Their arguments taken off.
The free gift.
The wicked all convinced and put to silence.
Behold the formidable estate of all the ungodly as they stand hopeless and helpless before an impartial Judge, expecting their final Sentence.
The Judge pronounceth the sentence of condemnation.
The terror of it.
It is put in Execution.
Wicked men and Devils cast into it forever.
The unsufferable torments of the Damned.
The Saints rejoice to see the Judgment executed upon the Wicked World.
They ascend with Christ into Heaven triumphing.
Their eternal happiness and incomparable glory there.
A Short Discourse On Eternity.
A Postscript Unto The Reader.
Vanity of Vanities.
Death Expected and Welcomed.
A Farewell to the World.
A Character of the Reverend Author, Mr. Michael Wigglesworth, in a Funeral Sermon Preached at Malden, June 24, 1705. By the Reverend Dr. Cotton Mather.
Epitaph. (Believed to Have Been Written by Rev. Cotton Mather.) The Excellent Wigglesworth; Remembered by Some Good Tokens.
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