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Table of Contents
I.1. Outlining the problem
1 Stress
1.1. Notion of stress
1.2. Properties of the stress vector
1.3. Stress matrix
1.4. Equilibrium equation
1.5. Mohr’s circle
2 Strain
2.1. Notion of strain
2.2. Strain matrix
2.3. Strain measurement: strain gage
3 Behavior Law
3.1. A few definitions
3.2. Tension test
3.3. Shear test
3.4. General rule
3.5. Anisotropic materials: example of a composite
3.6. Thermoelasticity
4 Resolution Methods
4.1. Assessment
4.2. Displacement method
4.3. Stress method
4.4. Finite element method
5 Work-energy Theorem: Principle of Finite Element Method
5.1. Work-energy theorem
5.2. Finite element method
5.3. Application: triangle with plate finite element using Catia
6 Sizing Criteria of an Aeronautical Structure
6.1. Introduction
6.2. Experimental determination of a sizing criterion
6.3. Normal stress or principal stress criterion: brittle material
6.4. Stress or maximum shear energy criterion: ductile material
6.5. Maximum shear criterion with friction: compression of brittle materials
6.6. Anisotropic criterion: example of the composite
7 Plasticity
7.1. Introduction
7.2. Plastic instability: necking, true stress and true strain
7.3. Plastic behavior law: Ramberg-Osgood law
7.4. Example of an elastic-plastic calculation: plate with open hole in tension
8 Physics of Aeronautical Structure Materials
8.1. Introduction
8.2. Aluminum 2024
8.3. Carbon/epoxy composite T300/914
8.4. Polymers
9 Exercises
9.1. Rosette analysis
9.2. Pure shear
9.3. Compression of an elastic solid
9.4. Gravity dam
9.5. Shear modulus
9.6. Modulus of a composite
9.7. Torsional cylinder
9.8. Plastic compression
9.9. Bi-material beam tension
9.10. Beam thermal expansion
9.11. Cube under shear stress
9.12. Spherical reservoir under pressure
9.13. Plastic bending
9.14. Disc under radial tension
9.15. Bending beam: resolution by the Ritz method
9.16. Stress concentration in open hole
9.17. Bending beam
10 Solutions to Exercises
10.1. Rosette analysis
10.2. Pure shear
10.3. Compression of an elastic solid
10.4. Gravity dam
10.5. Shear modulus
10.6. Modulus of a composite
10.7. Torsional cylinder
10.8. Plastic compression
10.9. Bi-material beam tension
10.10. Beam thermal expansion
10.11. Cube under shear stress
10.12. Spherical reservoir under pressure
10.13. Plastic bending
10.14. Disc under radial tension
10.15. Bending beam: resolution by the Ritz method
10.16. Stress concentration in open hole
10.17. Bending beam
Appendix: Analysis Formulas
A.1. Analysis formulas in Cartesian coordinates
A.2. Analysis formulas in cylindrical coordinates
A.3. Analysis formulas in spherical coordinates
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