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Effective DevOps with AWS
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The Cloud and the DevOps Revolution
Thinking in terms of cloud and not infrastructure
Deploying your own hardware versus in the cloud
Cost analysis
Just-in-time infrastructure
The different layers of building a cloud
Adopting a DevOps culture
The origin of DevOps
The developers versus operations dilemma
Too much code changing at once
Differences in the production environment
Key characteristics of a DevOps culture
Source control everything
Automate testing
Automate infrastructure provisioning and configuration
Automate deployment
Measure everything
Deploying in AWS
How to best take advantage of the AWS ecosystem
How AWS synergizes with a DevOps culture
Deploying Your First Web Application
Creating and configuring your account
Signing up
Enabling multi-factor authentication on the root account
Creating a new user in IAM
Installing and configuring the command-line interface (CLI)
Installing Windows Subsystem for Linux (Windows only)
Installing the AWS CLI package
Configuring the AWS CLI
Creating our first web server
Instance type
Security group
Generating your ssh keys
Launching an EC2 instance
Connecting to the EC2 instance using ssh
Creating a simple Hello World web application
Installing node.js
Running a node.js Hello World.
Turning our simple code into a service using upstart
Terminating our EC2 instance
Treating Your Infrastructure As Code
Managing your infrastructure with CloudFormation
Getting started with CloudFormation
AWS CloudFormation designer
Recreating our helloworld example with CloudFormation
Using troposphere to create a Python script for our template
Creating the stack in the CloudFormation console
Adding our template to a source control system
Updating our CloudFormation stack
Updating our Python script
Updating our stack
Change sets
Deleting our CloudFormation stack
Adding a configuration management system
Getting started with Ansible
Installing Ansible on your computer
Creating our Ansible playground
Creating our Ansible repository
Executing modules
Running arbitrary commands
Ansible playbooks
Creating a playbook
Creating roles to deploy and start our web application
Creating the playbook file
Executing a playbook
Canary-testing changes
Running Ansible in pull mode
Installing Git and Ansible on our EC2 instance
Configuring Ansible to run on localhost
Adding a cronjob to our EC2 instance
Integrating Ansible with CloudFormation
Adding Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment
Building a continuous integration pipeline
Creating a Jenkins server using Ansible and CloudFormation
Creating the Ansible playbook for Jenkins
Creating the CloudFormation template
Launching the stack and configuring Jenkins
Preparing our CI environment
Creating a new GitHub repository
Creating a GitHub personal access token
Adding the access token to the credentials in Jenkins
Creating the Jenkins job to automatically run the builds
Implementing the helloworld application using our CI environment
Initializing the project
Creating a functional test using mocha
Developing the remaining of the application
Creating the CI pipeline in Jenkins
Productionizing the CI pipeline
Building a continuous deployment pipeline
Creating new web servers for continuous deployment
Importing a custom library to Ansible for AWS CodeDeploy
Creating a CodeDeploy Ansible role
Creating the web server CloudFormation template
Launching our web server
Integrating our helloworld application with CodeDeploy
Creating the IAM service role for CodeDeploy
Creating the CodeDeploy application
Adding the CodeDeploy configuration and scripts to our repository
Building our deployment pipeline with AWS CodePipeline
Creating a continuous deployment pipeline for staging
Integrating Jenkins to our CodePipeline pipeline
Updating the IAM profile through CloudFormation
Installing and using the CodePipeline Jenkins plugin
Adding a test stage to our pipeline
Building a continuous delivery pipeline for production
Creating the new CloudFormation stack for production
Creating a CodeDeploy group to deploy to production
Adding a continuous delivery step to our pipeline
Strategies to practice continuous deployments in production
Fail fast
Canary Deployment
Feature flags
Scaling Your Infrastructure
Scaling a monolithic application
Using Auto Scaling Groups to scale web servers
Updating our CloudFormation template
Removing the instance creation
Adding an ELB to our stack
Adding an auto scaling capability
Launching our new stack
Updating CodeDeploy
Basics of scaling a traditional database
Improving performance and cost saving
Architecting your application to handle massive amounts of traffic
Load balancers
Elastic Load Balancer
Application Load Balancer
Offline processing with SQS and Kinesis
Serverless architecture
AWS Lambda
API Gateway
Data stores at scale
Multi-region applications
Running Containers in AWS
Dockerizing our helloworld application
Getting started with Docker
Docker fundamentals
Docker in action
Creating our Dockerfile
Using the EC2 container service
Creating an ECR repository to manage our Docker image
Creating an ECS cluster
Creating an ALB
Creating our ECS hello world service
Creating a CI/CD pipeline to deploy to ECS
Creating our production ECS cluster
Automating the creation of containers with CodeBuild
Creating our deployment pipeline with CodePipeline
Adding the CloudFormation template to our code base
Creating a CloudFormation template for CodePipeline
Starting and configuring our CloudFormation stack
Monitoring and Alerting
Instrumenting our application for monitoring
AWS CloudWatch
Using CloudWatch to monitor our helloworld application
Adding logs to our application
Creating a custom logger for our application
Making changes to provide the version and save the console log
Making changes to CodeDeploy to better handle logging
Adding metrics and events to our application
Sending logs, events, and metrics to CloudWatch from EC2
Creating an Ansible role for CloudWatch logs
Updating our CloudFormation template
Handling logs, events, and metrics in ECS
Advanced logging infrastructure with ElasticSearch, Kibana, and Firehose
Creating and launching an ElasticSearch cluster
Creating and launching a Kinesis Firehose stream
Updating our application to send logs to the Firehose endpoint
Adding permissions to EC2 to communicate with Firehose
Changing the logging transport to send logs to Firehose
Using Kibana to visualize logs
Monitoring our infrastructure
Monitoring EC2
Providing custom metrics to CloudWatch
Updating our CloudFormation template
Creating a CloudWatch role in Ansible
Monitoring ECS clusters
Monitoring ECS hosts
Monitoring the ECS service
Monitoring your containers
Monitoring ALB and ELB instances
Creating alarms using CloudWatch and SNS
AWS Simple Notification Service (SNS)
Creating an alert of an elevated error rate in our application
Using CloudWatch events and Lambda to create alerts on custom metrics
Monitoring and alerting with AWS health
Hardening the Security of Your AWS Environment
Understanding where to focus your effort
The shared responsibility model
Auditing the security in your cloud
AWS trusted advisor
AWS Inspector
AWS CloudTrail
Enabling CloudTrail using CloudFormation
Validating CloudTrail logs integrity
Using CloudTrail logs
Sending CloudTrail logs to ElasticSearch using Lambda
Creating a Kibana Dashboard for our CloudTrail logs
Improving the security of the IAM layer
Managing users in AWS
Configuring a user password policy
Creating groups for users and operators
Creating proper IAM policies to empower users to do their work securely
Empowering users to manage their accounts
Enforcing the use of MFA devices
Using a script to create an MFA session
Managing service permissions in AWS
Strengthening the security at the network level
Creating a VPC with public and private subnets
Recreating our helloworld stack using our new VPC
Recreating our application to take advantage of private subnets
Creating our helloworld application in the new VPC
Creating a VPN connection to our VPC
Deploying a VPN server to AWS
Configuring your computer to use this VPN
Protecting against targeted attacks
Protecting against DOS and DDOS attacks
Protecting against ransomware
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