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Why is there a light bulb on the cover?
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Table of Contents
Introduction: Investing is Not Complicated.
Part One: The Basics
1. The Building Blocks
What’s a stock?
What’s a bond?
What’s a mutual fund?
2. Types of Accounts
Taxable accounts
Traditional IRAs
Roth IRAs
401(k)s and 403(b)s
Roth 401(k) accounts
Which one should I invest in?
401(k) rollovers
3. Risk and Return
More risk can mean more reward.
It’s called “risk” for a reason.
4. How to Know How Much You Need
Determine your spending needs.
Multiply by 25.
What about inflation?
Part Two: Constructing a Portfolio
5. Don’t Bother Picking Stocks.
Why not pick stocks?
Invest in mutual funds instead.
But they told me it was easy!
6. Index Funds Win.
Index funds
Actively managed funds lose.
Why index funds win
Why not pick a hot fund?
Not all index funds are low-cost.
When index funds aren’t an option
7. Asset Allocation and Risk Tolerance
Determinants of risk tolerance
Stocks vs. bonds
U.S. vs. international
8. Putting the Pieces Together
A basic sample portfolio
A not-so-basic sample portfolio
9. Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs)
Comparing expenses
More important considerations
10. Target Retirement Funds
Pick based on risk
Part Three: Stay out of Trouble
11. Think Long-Term.
Don’t peek (very often).
Why you can be confident about owning the market
Beware of bull markets as well.
12. How to Find a Good Financial Advisor
Do you need a financial advisor?
Commissions vs. fees
Remember: Index funds win.
13. Automate Your Investing.
Beat laziness (with no effort!)
Nothing is ever left over.
Minimize the need to peek.
14. Beware the Hot Fund.
Is it purely luck?
When a company has 200 funds…
What about risk?
What about recommendations from unbiased sources?
15. Turn Off the Television.
A competition for attention
“Experts” on TV
Just turn it off.
16. Steer Clear of Stock-Picking Newsletters.
Superstar investors?
Check the fine print.
What did the subscribers earn?
Reduce your costs: Unsubscribe.
Conclusion – Keep It Simple.
Appendix: Helpful Online Resources
About the Author
Also by Mike Piper
Other Recommended Reading
End Notes
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