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Imperial Library
Title Page
I | The Opinion of the Early Philosophers and of Plato
II | Aristotle’s Opinion
III | How Aristotle and Plato agree
IV | How the above positions of Plato and Aristotle differ
V | The opinion of Avicebron and his arguments for it
VI | Refutation of Avicebron’s position
VII | That of spiritual and corporeal substances there cannot be one matter
VIII | On the Refutation of Avicebron’s Arguments
IX | Concerning the error of those who posit the angels as not created and its refutation
X | The opinion of Avicenna on the coming of things from the first principle and its refutation
XI | Concerning Plato’s opinion on the ideas and its refutation
XII | On the error of those who hold that all spiritual substances are created equal and its refutation
XIII | On the error of those who say that God and the angels do not have a knowledge of singulars
XIV | In which it is shown that God’s providence extends to all things
XV | Resolution of the Aforementioned Positions
XVI | The Error of the Manicheans concerning the aforementioned points and its refutation
XVII | What must be held according to the Catholic faith with respect to the origin of the angels
XVIII | What must be held concerning the condition of the angels’ nature
XIX | On the Distinction of Spiritual Substances According to Sacred Teaching
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