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Imperial Library
Title Page
The Hexan
Prologue: Doom in the North
1. Caught
2. Defiance
3. The War Burg
4. Defender of Araxia
5. Imposter
6. The Fourth Family of the Elves
7. The Hexan
8. Squire of the Fourth
9. Beast-killer
10. Into the Dark
11. The Bargain
12. Elsewhere, the Walls of Araxia
13. The Queen of a Thousand Tears
14. No Prize for Being Clever
15. The Battle for Araxia, Part 1
16. The Battle for Araxia, Part 2
17. Showdown
18. Orcish Honor
19. The Lady of the North
The Ungol Blade
1. The Benuin
2. Magic Missile
3. The Enclave, Tartaruk Mountains
4. Mutiny!
5. Root Magic
6. The Fifth
7. Under Stone, Under Mountain
8. The Hall of Statues
9. Under the Gate
10. A Game of Dominos
11. The Carnivorous Cavern
12. Hopscotch in the Dark
13. The Chiefs of Pain
14. The Ungol Blade
15. The Path of Pain, a Return
16. The Lair of Grom
17. Orcsong
Epilogue: The First Strike
Blood Gate
Prologue: In the Dark, Running
1. The Sending
2. Rescue
3. The Surprises of a First Creature
4. The Black Keep
5. Mother Viveni & Malvern’s Point
6. The Mysteries of a Chief
7. They Tried to Kill You, Again
8. Hyxalion, Exasperated
9. Teeth in the Dark
10. The Emarii
11. The Northern Wheelhouse
12. Of the First Times, the First Creatures, and the Elder Beings
13. The Three Sisters
14. Arcanum
15. A Null’s Purpose
16. A Rude Awakening
17. The Great Forest of Hon
18. Forest-Fiend, Forest-Friend
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