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Imperial Library
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General Editors Preface
1 WILLIAM CAXTON on Skelton, c. 1490
2 ERASMUS on Skelton, ‘that incomparable light and ornament of British letters’, c. 1499
3 ALEXANDER BARCLAY on ‘Philip Sparrow’, 1509
4 ‘The Great Chronicle of London’ on Skelton and his contemporaries, c. 1510
5 HENRY BRADSHAW on Skelton and other superior poets, c. 1513
6 WILLIAM LILY on Skelton: ‘neither learned, nor a poet’, c. 1519
7 ROBERT WHITTINTON in praise of Skelton, the ‘learned poet’, 1519
8 JOHN BALE on the life of Skelton, 1557
9 WILLIAM BULLEIN on Skelton's satires on Wolsey, 1564
10 THOMAS CHURCHYARD in praise of Skelton, 1568
11 JOHN GRANGE on Skelton's ‘ragged ryme’, 1577
12 WILLIAM WEBBE on Skelton: ‘a pleasant conceyted fellowe’, 1586
13 GEORGE PUTTENHAM on Skelton's metre, 1589
14 GABRIEL HARVEY on Skelton, the ‘madbrayned knave’, c. 1573–80, 1592
15 ARTHUR DENT on Skelton's immoral works, c. 1590
16 MICHAEL DRAYTON in praise of Skelton, c. 1600, 1606, 1619
17 ‘Pimlyco, or Runne Red-Cappe’ in praise of ‘Elynor Rumming’, 1609
18 NICHOLAS BRETON on Skelton's ‘ruffling rimes’, 1612
19 HUMPHREY KING on Skelton and other ‘merry men’, 1613
20 WILLIAM BROWNE on Skelton, 1614
21 HENRY PEACHAM on Skelton's unmerited reputation, 1622
22 ‘A Banquet of Jests’ on the neglect of Skelton, 1639
23 JAMES HOWELL on the neglect of Skelton, 1655
24 THOMAS FULLER'S biography of Skelton, 1662
25 EDWARD PHILLIPS on Skelton's current obscurity, 1675
26 An eighteenth-century critic in praise of ‘Elynor Rummyng’, 1718
27 ALEXANDER POPE on ‘beastly Skelton’, 1737
28 ELIZABETH COOPER in praise of Skelton, 1737
29 SAMUEL JOHNSON on Skelton, 1755
30 THOMAS WARTON on Skelton, 1778
31 PHILIP NEVE on Skelton: ‘a rude and scurrilous rhymer’, 1789
32 ROBERT SOUTHEY on Skelton's genius, 1814
33 WILLIAM GIFFORD in praise of Skelton, 1816
34 THOMAS CAMPBELL on Skelton's buffoonery, 1819
35 EZEKIEL SANFORD on Skelton's life and works, 1819
36 The ‘Retrospective Review’ in praise of Skelton, 1822
37 WILLIAM WORDSWORTH on Skelton: ‘a demon in point of genius’, 1823, 1833
38 SAMUEL TAYLOR coleridge on ‘Philip Sparrow’, 1827, 1836
39 HENRY HALLAM on Skelton: ‘certainly not a poet’, 1837
40 ISAAC D'ISRAELI on Skelton's genius, 1840
41 ELIZABETH BARRETT BROWNING in praise of Skelton, 1842
42 AGNES STRICKLAND on Skelton: ‘this ribald and ill-living wretch’, 1842
43 The ‘Quarterly Review’ on Dyce's edition of Skelton, 1844
44 HIPPOLYTE TAINE on Skelton the ‘clown’, 1863
45 ‘Dublin University Magazine’ on Skelton, 1866
46 JAMES RUSSELL LOWELL on Skelton and ‘Philip Sparrow’, 1875, 1889
47 JOHN CHURTON COLLINS on Skelton, 1880
48 RICHARD HUGHES on Skelton, 1924
49 EDMUND BLUNDEN on Skelton's 400th anniversary, 1929
50 HUMBERT WOLFE on Skelton's innovation, 1929
51 ROBERT GRAVES on Henderson's edition of Skelton, 1931
52 W. H. AUDEN on Skelton ‘the entertainer’, 1935
53 G. S. FRASER on Skelton, 1936
54 E. M. FORSTER on Skelton, 1950
55 C. S. LEWIS on Skelton, ‘the really gifted amateur’, 1954
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