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Chapter 1: The Benefits of Emotional Intelligence
Leadership Skill
Conversation Skills
Human Emotions
Chapter 2: Leadership
What Leaders do
Leadership CheckList
Leadership Style
Be Motivational and Positive
What Make a Good Leader
Chapter 3: The EQ Model
Emotional Intelligence Ability
Mixed Model Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence Trait Model
Chapter 4: Emotional Intelligence At Work
How To Create a Team Building
The Importance of Team
How To Create a Positive Atmosphere
Understanding Stress
Chapter 5: Motivating People
Motivation Theory
The Process of Motivation
Type of Motivation
Approaches to Motivation
Chapter 6: Organize People
Organizational Guidelines
The Organizing Process
Chapter 7: The Importance of Delegating
Delegate, what it means
The delegation process
The Difficulties of Delegation
The Benefits of Delegation
Chapter 8: Introspection and Outrospection
Self-Awareness and Introspection
Self-Regulation and the Control Paradigm
Recognizing Emotion in Outrospection
How Should You Respond to Other People’s Reactions?
How to Leverage Positive Emotions in Other People
How to Deal With Negative Emotions in Other People
Part 1: Dark Psychology Secrets
Chapter 1: Persuasion History
The History of Persuasion and How People Applied Techniques in Ancient Times
What are the Different Types of Persuasion?
Three Basic Forms of Persuasion
Elements of Persuasion
Chapter 2: Emotional Influence Exploitation
How Influence and Persuasion Impact our Emotions and Make us Susceptible to Exploitation
Rhetorical Persuasion
How Emotions are Used in Achieving Control
How We Are Susceptible to Exploitation Through Our Emotions
The Effects of Emotional Control and Exploitation: How to Recognize the Signs
Chapter 3: Mind Control Explained – Who Uses it and How
What is Mind Control and How Does it Work?
The History of Mind Control and Its Effects Today
What are the Signs of Mind Control?
Who Uses Mind Control? Organizations, High Control Groups, and People We Know and Encounter in Everyday Life
Chapter 4: Neuro-Linguistic Programming
Learning your Mind’s Language: Neuro-Linguistic Programming or NLP
What is NLP, and How Does It Work?
How is NLP used to Manipulate or Control the Way People Think and Behave?
Recognizing NLP as a Method of Control
Chapter 5 : Recognize a Manipulator – Common Character Traits of a Manipulator
What Are the Traits of a Manipulator?
Chapter 6: Stop Being Manipulated – Detect When Manipulation Techniques Are Used against You
How to Avoid Manipulation and Spot the Signs Early
How Organizations and High Control Groups Use Mind Control
Recognizing When You Are Being Controlled and How to Cope and Strategize Your Way to Freedom from Manipulation
Part 2: Reading and Analyze People
Chapter 7: Analyze Yourself – The First Step
Childhood and Upbringing
Check Your Inner Voice and Mood
Keep a Log of Your Thoughts
Thinking Patterns and How They Develop
Assessing our Self-Esteem and Sense of Self-Worth
Why is it Important to Analyze Yourself?
Chapter 8: Body Language
Reading Body Language of Other People: Key Signals to Look For
How to People use Body Language to Communicate and Manipulate?
Chapter 9: Analyzing Cognitive Functions
Extraverted Sensing
Introverted Sensing
Extraverted Thinking
Introverted Thinking
Verbal Communication
Facial Expressions
Eye Reading
Hand Gestures
Body Posture
Chapter 10: Analyzing Personality Types
What are the Different Personality Types?
Advantages and Disadvantages of Different Personalities and How They Affect us
Chapter 11: Danger Signals
Taking Control of your Life and Mind: How to Spot the Dangers of Manipulation and Avoid Pitfalls
Examples and Scenarios of Mind Control in Action
Chapter 1: Definition of Empathy
Chapter 2: Who Is an Empath - Are You One? Knowing How to Tell
You make others’ emotions your own
You experience sudden and overwhelming emotions
You get where people are coming from
Others seek you out
You are too sensitive to violence in film and television
You have a soft spot for kids and animals
You don’t just feel others’ emotions, you also share their physical discomforts
Intimate relationships can become overwhelming
You can’t understand selfish people
Chapter 3: The Highly Sensitive Disorder
Symptoms of a Highly Sensitive Person
Categories of Highly Sensitive People
What Does It Imply If You Test as a Highly Sensitive Person?
Tips That Assists an HSP to Cope with over Stimulations
Genes That Make You a Highly Sensitive Person
The Best Things About Being Highly Sensitive
Chapter 4: Understanding the Different Energy Types
Factors That Psychologically Influence the Empathy Process
Chapter 5: Building Self Protection – How to Protect Yourself from Manipulative People
Self-Protection Against Sneaky Psychologically Manipulative People
Chapter 6: Practical Exercises for Different Empaths
Types of Empaths
Practical Exercises for Different Empaths
Chapter 7: What Are the Abilities of Empaths? What Are Some of Their Exceptional Insight?
Abilities of Empaths
Exceptional Insights of Empaths
Chapter 8: Top Traits of Empaths
They have a high level of sensitivity
They are emotion absorbers
They are introverted
They are intuitive
They are loners
They are intense
They are affected by energy vampires
They are nature lovers
They have finely tuned senses
They are generous
They mirror the pain of others
They are healers
They tend to be outspoken
They tend to have health issues
They are laidback and easygoing
They tend to be naïve
Chapter 1: Understand the signs of your anger
Role of Anger
Immediate Anger Expression Is Exceptional
Reasons for You to Express Emotions Immediately
Chapter 2: How anger affects relationships
Expressing Your Anger While Conserving Relationships
How to Deal with Passive-Aggressive People
Chapter 3: “How to” Transforming the energy of anger
Run the Stress Off
Take a Hike
Pedal the Stress Away
Don’t you want to?
Reading for Stress Relief
Be a Positive Thinker
Time Management
Get Enough Sleep
Listening To Soothing Music
Share your Problems by Talking to Someone
You Should Laugh More
Eat Healthy Foods
Balancing Between Your Life and Work
Write, Pick Up Your Pen and Paper
Chapter 4: Don’t Fall into Provocations
Anger Triggers
Tackling an Anger Problem
Overcoming anger
Chapter 5: Anger Management Advice
Looking for Anger Solutions
When to get help for anger
How you can overcome social stress
Remedies to cure panic socially
How is anger treated?
Medicine Used
Treatment Options
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Group therapy
The Dangers
Chapter 6: Anger Management and Emotional Intelligence
What is Nonviolent Communication?
Violent Vs. Nonviolent Communication
Benefits of Learning Non-violent Communication
The Four-Step Nonviolent Communication Process
Chapter 7: Mental Disorder, the Origin of Problems
What is mental health?
In the name of good mental health
What determines your state of mental health?
Ways that you can use to promote overall psychological wellbeing
Building relationships that can help you
Examine your mental health status
Physical health is vital to mental wellbeing
Chapter 8: How to Increase your Self-Awareness
Self-Awareness and Emotional Intelligence
Being Aware Of Your Emotions AND Expressing Them
Self-Awareness and Nonviolent Communication
Feelings and Self-Awareness
Needs and Self-Awareness
Requests and Self-Awareness
Tips to Build Self-Awareness
Chapter 9: Mindfulness, Use Mindfulness Techniques when you are Angry
Mindfulness in Practice
Breathe Counting
‘Finger Breathing’
Chapter 10: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)?
A Little History about Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Depth
CBT Principles
Are There Pros And Cons In CBT?
This Is What You Need To Remember
Chapter 11: Meditation Techniques
The Power of Meditation and Relaxation to Ease Anger
Types or Techniques of Meditation
Benefits of Meditation
How to reduce Stress by Meditating
Meditation and Stress Management
Using Meditation to achieve Relaxation
Peace of mind
Quick and Simple Techniques for a Beginner’s Practice
Chapter 1: Memory in Our Mind
What is Memory?
The Brain as a Memory Storage
Memory as a Cognitive Process
Four Stages of Memory Process
Chapter 2: Types of Memory and Memory Loss
The Sensory Memory
Short Term Memory
Memory Consolidation
Long Term Memory
Explicit Memory
Implicit Memory
Chapter 3: Mind as a Stack
Memory Retention v/s Memory Improvement
Memory Reconstruction
Chapter 4: Memory Improvement Techniques
Chapter 5: What is a Photographic Memory?
Photographic Memory in Early Years
Photographic Memory in Adults
Actionable Tips to Memorize Photographically
Chapter 6: Cramming v/s Spacing v/s Accelerated Learning
How do we forget and remember?
Why do we forget and remember
What do we forget and remember
Accelerated Learning
Speed Reading
Chapter 7: Mind Programming, an Insight
What is schema
What is classical conditioning
What is operant conditioning
What is the accommodation?
What is assimilation?
The Law of Attraction in Mind Programming
Chapter 8: Life Skills for Memory Improvement
Yoga & Exercise
Meditation and Mindfulness
Sleeping well
Eating Healthy
Smiling and Socializing
Walking Backwards
Chapter 9: Alternative Natural Therapies for Memory Improvement
Acupressure, Acupuncture & Reflexology
Cupping Therapy
Ayurvedic Tips
Aroma Therapy
Art Therapy
Color Therapy or Chromotherapy
Chapter 10: Effects of Life Experiences on Brain and Memory
Chapter 11: Foods and other Edible Supplements as Brain and Memory Boosters
Chapter 12: Practical Exercises and Fun Tests
Bonus: Homemade Brain booster Remedy
Chapter 1: What's Narcissism Means
What is Narcissism
Recognizing the Narcissistic Behavior
Narcissism Scale
Understanding Your Narcissism
Chapter 2: Narcissism Traits
Identify the Common Traits of Narcissists Persons
Early Signs of Narcissism
Type of Narcissism
Chapter 3: The Possible Causes of Narcissism
Common Myths About Narcissism
Chapter 4: NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder)
How Narcissistic Personality Disorder Develops
Chapter 5: Narcissism in Relationship
Stop Enabling the Narcissist’s Behavior
How to End a Relationship with a Narcissist
Chapter 6: Narcissistic Abuse
A Person with a High Degree of Sentimentality
Low Self-Confidence and Low Self-Esteem
Conscientiousness or Dependability
Chapter 7: Who can help you?
How to Communicate with a Narcissist
Loving and Helping a Narcissist
Chapter 8: The Steps to Take Back Control
Eat healthily and keep a healthy mental status
Taking care of your inner child
Reality check anchoring
How To Break Free From A Narcissist
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