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Cover Page
Copyright Page
Table of Contents
List of exercises
PART I: What is energy healing?
Chapter 1: Intuition as a sixth sense
The definition of healing
What is energy?
What is healing energy and how does it work?
How can Energy Healing help me?
Different established Energy Healing modalities
Choosing a practitioner
What to expect during a formal healing session
My personal introduction to Energy Healing
Why I believe you can heal yourself without formal ? training
Chapter 2: Getting started
Be authentic in your work
Become congruent
How to use the exercises in this book
The mechanics of Energy Healing
Why people don’t heal
What is blocking your healing process?
The power of intention
The power of permission
The power of receiving
Healing can get worse before it gets better
Going into process
Look after yourself during healing
PART II: The principles of energy healing
Chapter 3: Centring
Creating a space of love
Reconnecting to your body
Listening for a ‘yes’ or a ‘no’
Connecting to your heart
Tuning in and disconnecting from the energy ? around you
Chapter 4: Grounding
Why do we need to ground ourselves?
Deeper grounding
Quick ways to ground yourself
Grounding yourself to shift a bad attitude
Where to next?
Chapter 5: Expanding
Drawing down the energy of healing
Working with different types of high-vibrational light
Connecting to a source of unconditional love and light
Working with gratitude as a healing energy
Sending love and light to friends and family
The healing ball of light
How do you feel?
PART III: Taking it further
Chapter 6: Creating more space for your Self
Getting ‘big’ can protect you from danger
Healing and your family system
Energy Healing for the office
Raising the vibration in your home
Energy Healing on a ‘needs’ basis
Chapter 7: Energy Healing as a spiritual practice
What is a spiritual practice?
We live in a community, not in isolation
Having a spiritual practice reminds us of who we are
How to create your own daily spiritual practice
Bringing all the pieces together
Clearing as a spiritual practice
Clearing around specific events or situations
Taking back your energies as a daily spiritual practice
Centring, grounding and expanding as a spiritual ? practice
Mindfulness and Energy Healing as a spiritual practice
Fire up your daily practice with intention
Other ideas for a mindful Energy Healing practice
Breathing as a spiritual practice
Who are you when you are your best, healed self?
Become responsible for your energy!
Asking for help
Choosing a therapy
Further reading
How I can help you
About the author
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