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Cover Page
Title: Bioterrorism and Infectious
1 Anthrax: A Disease and a Weapon
2 Plague as a Biological Weapon
3 Tularemia and Bioterrorism
4 Melioidosis and Glanders as Possible Biological Weapons
5 Smallpox as a Weapon for Bioterrorism
6 Hemorrhagic Fever Viruses as Biological Weapons
7 Botulism as a Potential Agent of Bioterrorism
8 Ricin: A Possible, Noninfectious Biological Weapon
9 Bioterrorism Alert for Health Care Workers
10 The Economics of Planning and Preparing for Bioterrorism
1. History of Anthrax
1.1. Anthrax in the United States
2. Anthrax as a bioogical weapon
3. The organism
4. Pathogenesis of Anthrax infection
5. Clinical manifestation of Anthrax infection
5.1. Cutaneous Anthrax
5.2. Systemic Anthrax
5.2.1. General Symptoms of Anthrax Infection
5.2.2. Respiratory Symptoms and Findings
5.2.3. Neurological Symptoms and Signs
5.2.4. Cardiovascular Symptoms and Signs
5.2.6. Miscellaneous
5.2.7. Findings – Autopsies
6. Conssiderations on clinical manifestations of system Anthrax
7. Laboratory diagnosis
8. Vaccination
9. Postexposure prophylaxis
10. Treatment of Anthrax infection
11. Protection
12. Isolation
13. Afterward
1. History of Plague and Its Potential as A Weapon of Bioterrorism
1.2. Plague as a Weapon of Biological Warfare
1.3. US Countermeasures to Plague as a Weapon of Terrorism
1.4. Preparedness and Response to a Possible Plague Attack
2. Plague Microbiology and Pathogenesis
2.1. The Agent
2.1.1. General Characteristics
2.1.2. Molecular Genetics
2.2. Pathogenicity of Y. pestis
2.2.2. Pathology of Infection
3. Clinical spectrum
3.1. Bubonic Plague
3.2. Septicemic Plague
3.3. Pneumonic Plague
3.4. Other Clinical Syndromes
3.5. Pediatric Plague
3.6. Plague in Pregnancy
4.1.2. Collection and Processing of Specimens
4.2. Recognizing a Plague Outbreak Resulting from Intentional Release
5. Medical Management of Plague patients
5.1. Antimicrobial Treatment of Acute Illness in Naturally Occurring Plague
5.2. Postexposure Prophylaxis
5.3. Treatment of Cases and Case Contacts in a Bioterrorism Event
6. Infection control
6.2. The Role of Isolation and Quarantine
7. Prevention
7.1. Prevention and Control of Naturally Occurring Plague
7.1.1. General Guidelines
7.2. Plague Vaccine
8. Research directions
2. Microbilogy
2.2. Virulence
3. Pathogenesis
3.1. Pathophysiology
3.2. Host Immunity
3.2.2. Cellular Immunity
3.2.2.a. Early responses.
3.2.3. Immune Responses in the Lungs
4. Epidemiology
5. Clinical manifestation
5.2. Pneumonic Tularemia
5.3. Spectrum of Disease following Intentional Release of F. tularensis
5.4. Complications
6. Diagnosis
7. Treatment
7.2. Treatment of Tularemia Resulting from Bioterrorism
8. Intection control
9. Prevention
9.2. Vaccination
10. Future direction
1. Introduction
2.2. Glanders
3. Microbiology and Pathogenesis
3.2. Characteristics
3.2.1. General
3.2.2. Antigenic Structure
3.3. Ecology and Environmental Survival
3.4. Antibiotic Susceptibility
3.5. Genomics
3.6. Typing Systems
3.7. Bacterial Virulence
3.7.2. Capsule
3.7.3. Flagella
3.7.4. Exotoxins and Enzymes
3.7.5. Secretion Systems
3.7.8. Intracellular Growth
3.8. Host Defense
3.8.1. Humoral Immunity
3.8.2. Intrinsic and Cellular Immunity
3.8.3. Immunopathogenesis
4. Clinical spectrum
4.1.1. Mild and Subclinical Infections
4.1.2. Latent Infections
4.1.3. Clinical Disease
4.2. Glanders
5. Animal models
5.2. Glanders
6.2. Melioidosis
7. Diagnosis and Treatment
7.2. Laboratory Diagnosis
7.2.1. Microscopy and Culture
7.2.2. Serological Methods
7.2.3. Molecular Diagnosis
7.3. Treatment
7.3.1. General
7.3.2. Specific Chemotherapy
7.3.3. Adjunctive Treatments
7.3.4. Outcome and Follow-up
8.2. Environmental Contamination
8.3. Antibiotic Prophylaxis and Vaccines
9. Future direction
2. Virology
3. Pathology
4. Clinic disease
5. Diagnosis
6. Epidemiology
6.1. Surveillance and Containment Strategy
7. Patient management and infection control
8. Potential as a bioweapon
9.1 Vaccination policy
2. Epidemiology
2.1. Filoviridae: Ebola and Marburg viruses
2.2. Arenaviridae: Lassa, Junin, Machupo, Guanarito, and Sabia
2.3. Bunyaviridae: Rift Valley Fever and Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever
Patient Management
3.1. Clinical Recognition
3.2. Laboratory Diagnosis
3.3. Treatment
4. Vaccines
5. Public Helth Measures
5.1. Infection Control
5.2. Environmental Decontamination
6. Ongoing Research and Proposed Agenda
7. Conclisions
8. Acknowledgments
2. History of Botulism
3. Botulinum Toxin as a Weapon
4. Diagnosis
5. Treatment
6. Management
2. History
2.1. The Story of a “Death Umbrella”
3. The Toxin
3.1. Toxicity
4. Ricin as a Potential Bloweapon
5. Clinical Presentation
5.1. Prognosis
5.2. Diagnosis
6. Treatment
7. Prevention and Vaccine
8. Medical Use of Ricin
9. Conclusion
1 Introduction
2. Step 1. Maintain a Healthy "Index of Suspicion" (Or,"How to Recognize Illness Due to Bilogical We
3. Setp2. Protect Thyself Frist
3.1. Physical Protection
3.2. Chemical Protection
3.3. Immunologic Protection (Including “Pros and Cons of Mass Vaccination”)
4. Step 3. Save the Patient's Life ("The Primary Assessment")
5. Step 4. Disinfect or Decontaminate as appropriate
6. Step 5. Establish a Diagnosis ("The secondary assessment")
7. Step 6. Provide Prompt Therapy
8. Step 7. Institute Proper Infection Control Measures
9. Step 8. Alert the Proper Authorities ("Which Agency should One Notify for Suspicious Cases?")
10. Step 9. Conduct an Epidemiologic Investigation (and Manage the Medical and Psychological Afterma
11. Step 10. Maintain a Level of Proficiency
10 The Economics of Planning and Preparingfor Bioterrorism
2. How Many Resources?: Basic Concept
3. Refining the Basic Concept:Being More Realistic
3.1. Cost of Deploying a Planned Intervention
3.2. A Special Case: Optimal Amount for Pre-event Protective Interventions
3.3. Example 1: Annual “Premiums” for Pandemic Influenza Preparations
3.4. Example 2: Annual “Premiums” to Reduce Probabilityof Losses Due to Anthrax Attack
4. Categories of Interventions
4.1. Postevent Medical Interventions (Reaction Interventions)
4.2. Pre-event Medical Interventions (Reaction Interventions)
4.3. Pre-event Protective Interventions: Reducing the Probability of Attack
4.4. Calculating the Savings in Post-event Interventions Due to Pre-event Interventions
5. Selecting Interventions for Evalution for Funding
6. Calculating the Number of Casualties and Casualties Averted
6.1. Types of Mathematical Models
6.1.1. Increasing Complexity
6.1.2. Deterministic Mathematical Models
6.1.3. Stochastic Models
6.2. Model Limitations
6.2.1. Size of Attack
6.2.2. Numbers Initially Infected and Implicit Assumptions
6.2.3. Why Not Use “Worst Case?”
6.3. Realistic Expectations and Keeping It Simple
6.3.1. Sensitivity Analyses and Policy Levers
7. Calculating the Value of Casualties and Other Losses Averted
8. Probability of anEvent Occurring
9. Selecting Between the Options
10. Summary
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