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Imperial Library
The Emerald Doorway (Front Cover)
Synopsis Page
Title Page
Table of Contents
1. The Silent Observer
2. Contact Over the Bermuda Triangle
3. The Mysterious Ra Mu in Washington, D.C.
4. The Hidden Doorway of Mt. Shasta
5. Earth’s Secret Parallel Time
6. Telemadia (3) – The Setting of a Dream
7. Oceana and the Visions of Mayleena
8. Etta and the Dren City of Onn
9. The Orphan Sen Dar’s Destiny
10. Reflections of Admiral Starland
11. Surprise Visit to Promintis
12. Sen Dar’s Cave of Deliverance
13. Rude Awakening of Lodrea (3)
14. On the Journey to Yalgull Space
15. The Glonden – Yalgull Alliance
16. Child Lost and Found
17. Captain Kalem and a Dren named Etta
18. Etta’s Bond of Friendship
19. Sen Darion War and Peace
20. From Ashes to Fire on Maldec
21. Death and Transformation
22. Now That’s a Way to Get Around!
23. Deception of Stralim on Atlantis
24. Lemuria, Ra Mu, and Kalem’s Mission
25. A Rat in the Road to Romantic Destiny
26. A Madman’s Demands
27. Fight in the Cavern of the Drens
28. Death and Resurrection
29. Reunion and a Fond Farewell
30. Romance in Paradise
31. Now I Have You… Now I Don’t!
32. The Polar Shift
33. Meeting the Ancient One
34. Final Farewell on the Island of Atlantis
35. Escape to a Future Parallel Time
36. Starland Comes to Earth’s Present Time
37. Return to the Parallel Lemuria of Earth
38. Master Ra Mu Returns Home
Other Books by R. Scott Lemriel
Glossary of Characters and Terms
About the Author
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