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Imperial Library
Books by Michelle Celmer
One O livia Montgomery was attractive for a scientist. Attractive in a brainy, geeky so
Two L iv followed her host through the castle, heart thumping like mad, praying she didn
Three I t was official. Liv was lost. She stood in an unfamiliar hallway on what she wa
Four “A ny news?” Aaron asked when he answered his brother’s call. “We have results bac
Five L iv studied the data that had been compiled so far regarding the diseased crops an
Six T he confused look on Liv’s face was as amusing as it was endearing. She was as far
Seven “Y ou’re engaged?” Aaron backed away from Liv, wondering why this was the first ti
Eight L iv was on her way to breakfast the following morning when she was greeted—more l
Nine T hat guilty little voice inside Liv was shouting, Don’t do it, Liv! But by then it
Ten T he idea of being alone with Aaron again both terrified and thrilled Liv, then he w
Eleven T he Gingerbread Man, as he liked to call himself, was back in business. Posing
Twelve A aron was making it really difficult for her to tell him no. Literally. Every ti
Thirteen T he following Monday was December first and overnight the castle was transform
Fourteen L iv reached her room, heart beating frantically and hands shaking, and went st
Fifteen A aron sat in his office, staring out the window at the grey sky through a flurr
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