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Title Page
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: What is a risk analysis?
1.1 Why risk analysis?
1.2 Risk management
1.3 Examples: decision situations
chapter 2: What is risk?
2.1 The risk concept and its description
2.2 Vulnerability
2.3 How to describe risk quantitatively
2.4 Qualitative judgements
Chapter 3: The risk analysis process: planning
3.1 Problem definition
3.2 Selection of analysis method
Chapter 4: The risk analysis process: risk assessment
4.1 Identification of initiating events
4.2 Cause analysis
4.3 Consequence analysis
4.4 Probabilities and uncertainties
4.5 Risk picture: risk presentation
Chapter 5: The risk analysis process: risk treatment
5.1 Comparisons of alternatives
5.2 Management review and judgement
Chapter 6: Risk analysis methods
6.1 Coarse risk analysis
6.2 Job safety analysis
6.3 Failure modes and effects analysis
6.4 Hazard and operability studies
6.6 Fault tree analysis
6.7 Event tree analysis
6.8 Bayesian networks
6.9 Monte Carlo simulation
Chapter 7: Safety measures for a road tunnel
7.1 Planning
7.2 Risk assessment
7.3 Risk treatment
Chapter 8: Risk analysis process for an offshore installation
8.1 Planning
8.2 Risk analysis
8.3 Risk picture and comparison of alternatives
8.4 Management review and judgement
Chapter 9: Production assurance
9.1 Planning
9.2 Risk analysis
9.3 Risk picture and comparison of alternatives
9.4 Management review and judgement. Decision
Chapter 10: Risk analysis process for a cash depot
10.1 Planning
10.2 Risk analysis
10.3 Risk picture
10.4 Risk-reducing measures
10.5 Management review and judgement. Decision
10.6 Discussion
Chapter 11: Risk analysis process for municipalities
11.1 Planning
11.2 Risk assessment
11.3 Risk treatment
Chapter 12: Risk analysis process for the entire enterprise
12.1 Planning
12.2 Risk analysis
12.3 Overall risk picture
12.4 Risk treatment
Chapter 13: Discussion
13.1 Risk analysis as a decision support tool
13.2 Risk is more than the calculated probabilities and expected values
13.3 Risk analysis has both strengths and weaknesses
13.4 Reflection on approaches, methods and results
13.5 Limitations of the causal chain approach
13.6 Risk perspectives
13.7 Scientific basis
13.8 The implications of the limitations of risk assessment
13.9 Critical systems and activities
13.10 On the difference between risk as seen from the perspectives of the analysts and management
13.11 Conclusions
Appendix A: Probability calculus and statistics
A.1 The meaning of a probability
A.2 Probability calculus
A.3 Probability distributions: expected value
A.4 Statistics (Bayesian statistics)
Appendix B: Introduction to reliability analysis
B.1 Reliability of systems composed of components
B.2 Production system
B.3 Safety system
Appendix C: Approach for selecting risk analysis methods
C.1 Expected consequences
C.2 Uncertainty factors
C.3 Frame conditions
C.4 Selection of a specific method
Appendix D: Terminology
D.1 Risk management: Relationships between key terms
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