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Imperial Library
Progressivism and the Liberal Century
Taming Big Government
A Nicer Form of Tyranny
Why the Election of 1912 Changed America
FDR as Statesman
The Endless Party
Involuntary Associations
A Left-Handed Salute
Flights of Fancy
Renewing Conservatism
The Conservative Challenge
The Right Stuff
Civil Rights and the Conservative Movement
The Myth of the Racist Republicans
The Long Detour
Why Conservatives Lost the War of Ideas
The Conservative Cocoon
Tailgunner Ann
The War We Are In
Victory: What It Will Take to Win
War in the Absence of Strategic Clarity
Leo Strauss and American Foreign Policy
Democracy and the Bush Doctrine
Tribes of Terror
The Home Front: Left, Right, and (Elusive) Center
Theater of War
Why We Don’t Win
Intermezzo: A Portfolio of Illustrations from the Claremont Review of Books
Statesmen and Despots
Aristotle and Locke in the American Founding
Moral Monster
The Man Who Made Modern America
Three-Fifths Historian
How the Confederates Won
The Bicentennial Lincolns
Tyranny and Utopia
Thoughts and Adventures
The Greatness and Decline of American Oratory
Current Contentions
Business as Usual
The Presidential Nomination Mess
Continental Drift
France’s Immigrant Problem—and Ours
Free to Use
All the Leaves Are Brown
Is Health Care a Right?
hearts and minds
Born American, But in the Wrong Place
The Crisis of American National Identity
The Debacle at Harvard
The Education Mill
Wimps and Barbarians
Against the Virtual Life
A Dance to the (Disco) Music of Time
The Three Rings
Arts, Literature, and leisure
Building Democracy
Pith and Pen
Man of Letters
Larry McMurtry and the American West
The Genius of Old New York
Aryan Sister
Is There Intelligent Life on Television?
Music, Philosophy, and Generation Y
Macbeth and the Moral Universe
List of Contributors
List of Books Reviewed and Discussed*
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