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Imperial Library
Byron's Letter and Journals
List of Letters
List of Journal Entries
Detailed Contents of Appendices
Chapter V—Childe Harold, Cantos I, II
Letter No. 169—to John Murray1
170—to James Wedderburn Webster1
171—to R. C. Dallas
172—to R. C. Dallas1
173—To the Hon. Augusta Leigh1
174—To the Hon. Augusta Leigh
175—To James Wedderburn Webster
176—To the Hon. Augusta Leigh1
177—To To Francis Hodgson
178—to R.C. Dallas
179—to John Murray1
180—to R. C. Dallas
181—to the Hon. Augusta Leigh
182—to Francis Hodgson
183—To R.C. Dallas
184—To Francis Hodgson
185—To John Murray1
186—To R. C. Dallas
187—to John Murray
188—To R. C. Dallas
189—to R. C. Dallas
190—to R.C. Dallas
191—to R. C. Dallas
192—to R. C. Dallas.
193—to Francis Hodgson
194—to R. C. Dallas
195—to James Wedderburn Webster
196—to R.C. Dallas
197—to R.C. Dallas
198—To Francis Hodgson
199—to R. C. Dallas
200—to R. C. Dallas
201—to R. C. Dallas
202—To Thomas Moore1
203—to R. C. Dallas
204—to Thomas Moore1
205—to Thomas Moore1
206—to R. C. Dallas
207—to Thomas Moore
208—to Francis Hodgson
209—to Francis Hodgson
210—to William Harness1
211—to James Wedderburn Webster
212—to William Harness
213—to Francis Hodgson
214—to Thomas Moore
215—to Francis Hodgson
216—to R. C. Dallas
217—to William Harness
218—to Robert Rushton1
219—to Robert Rushton
220—to Thomas Moore
221—to Francis Hodgson
222—to Samuel Rogers
223—To Master John Cowell1
224—to Francis Hodgson
225—to Francis Hodgson
226—to Lord Holland
227—to Francis Hodgson
228—to Lord Holland
Chapter VI—The Idol of Society—The Drury Lane Address—Second Speech in Parliament
229—to Thomas Moore
230—to William Bankes
231—to Thomas Moore
232—to Lady Caroline Lamb
233—To William Bankes
234—to Thomas Moore
235—to Lady Caroline Lamb
236—to Thomas Moore
237—to Thomas Moore
238—to Bernard Barton1
239—to Lord Holland
240—to Professor Clarke1
241—To Walter Scott1
242—to Lady Caroline Lamb
243—to John Murray
244—to Lord Holland
245—to John Murray
246—to Lord Holland
247—to Lord Holland
248—to Lord Holland
249—to Lord Holland
250—to Lord Holland
251—to Lord Holland
252—to Lord Holland
253—to John Murray
254—to Lord Holland
255—to Lord Holland
256—to William Bankes
257—to Lord Holland
258—to Lord Holland
259—to Lord Holland
260—to Lord Holland
261—to John Murray
262—to Lord Holland.
263—to John Hanson
264—to John Murray
265—to Robert Rushton
266—to John Murray
267—to John Hanson
268—to John Murray
269—to John Hanson
270—to John Hanson
271—to John Hanson
272—to John Murray
273—to William Bankes
274—to John Murray.
275—to Francis Hodgson
276—to John Hanson
277—to John Murray
278—to Robert Rushton
279—to John Hanson
280—to John Hanson
282—to John Hanson
283—to Charles Hanson
284—to Samuel Rogers1
285—to the Hon. Augusta Leigh.
286—to John Murray
287—to John Hanson
288—to John Hanson
289—to John Murray
Chapter VII—The Giaour and Bride of Abydos
290—to John Murray
291—to Thomas Moore
292—to John Murray
293—to John Murray
294—to John Murray
295—to Thomas Moore
296—to John Hanson
297—to Francis Hodgson
298—to Francis Hodgson
299—to John Murray
300—to John Murray
301—to John Murray
138—To his Mother
302—to John Murray
303—to W. Gifford
304—to John Murray
305—to Thomas Moore
306—to the Hon. Augusta Leigh
307—to the Hon. Augusta Leigh
308—to the Hon. Augusta Leigh
309—to John Murray
310—to Thomas Moore
311—to Thomas Moore
312—to John Hanson
313—to John Murray
314—to Thomas Moore
315—to Thomas Moore
316—to Thomas Moore
317—to John Murray
318—to John Wilson Croker1
319—to John Murray
320—to John Murray
321—To James Wedderburn Webster
322—to Thomas Moore
323—to John Murray
324—to Thomas Moore
325—to Thomas Moore
326—to James Wedderburn Webster
327—to Thomas Moore
328—to Thomas Moore.
329 —to Thomas Moore
330—to James Wedderburn Webster
331—to the Hon. Augusta Leigh
332—to John Murray
333—to James Wedderburn Webster
334—to Sir James Mackintosh
335—to Thomas Moore
336—to John Murray
337—to James Wedderburn Webster
338—to Francis Hodgson
339—to Thomas Moore
340—to John Murray
341—to John Hanson
342—to the Hon. Augusta Leigh
343—to John Murray
344—to the Hon. Augusta Leigh
345—to John Murray
346—to William Gifford
347—to John Murray
348—to John Murray
349—to John Murray
350—to John Murray
351—to John Murray
352—to John Murray
353—to John Murray
354—to John Murray
355—to John Murray
356—to John Murray
357—to John Murray
358—to John Murray
359—to John Murray
360—to John Murray.
361—to John Murray
362—to John Murray
363—to John Murray
364—to Thomas Moore.
365—to Francis Hodgson
366—to John Murray
367—to Leigh Hunt
368—to John Murray
369—to John Murray
370—to John Murray
371—to John Murray
372—to John Murray
373—to Thomas Moore
374—to John Galt1
375—to John Murray
376—to Thomas Ashe1
377—to Professor Clarke1
378—to Leigh Hunt
379—to John Murray
Chapter VIII—Journal: November 14, 1813-April 19, 1814
November 16th, 1813
November 17th, 1813
November 22nd, 1813
November 23rd, 1813
24th November, 1813
12, Mezza Notte
Thursday, November 26th [1813]
Saturday 27th [November 1813]
Tuesday 30th [November 1813]
Wednesday, December 1st, 1813
Sunday, December 5th [1813]
Monday, December 6th [1813]
Tuesday, December 7th [1813]
Friday, December 10th, 1813
Sunday, December 12th, 1813
Monday, December 13th, 1813
December 14th, 15th, 16th, 1813
December 17th, 18th, 1813
January 16th, 1814
February 18th [1814]
Saturday, February 19th [1814]
February 20th [1814]
Sunday, February 27th [1814]
Sunday, March 6th [1814]
March 7th [1814]
March 10th [1814]
Tuesday, March 15th [1814]
Thursday, March 17th [1814]
Sunday, March 20th [1814]
Tuesday, March 22nd [1814]
March 28th [1814]
April 8th [1814]
Saturday, April 9th, 1814
April 10th [1814]
April 19th, 1814
APPENDIX I —Articles from The Monthly Review
1. Poems, by W. R. Spencer. (vol. 67, 1812, pp. 54-60.)
2. Neglected Genius, by W. H. Ireland.
APPENDIX II —Parliamentary Speeches
1. Debate On The Frame-work Bill, In The House Of Lords, February 27, 1812.
2. Debate on the Earl of Donoughmore's Motion for a Committee on the Roman Catholic Claims, April 21, 1812.
3. Debate on Major Cartwright's Petition. June 1,1813.
APPENDIX III —Lady Caroline Lamb and Byron
1. The following letter is one of the first which Lady Caroline wrote to Byron, in the spring of 1812:
2. The following are the lines written by Lady Caroline when she burned Byron in effigy at Brocket Hall (endorsed, in Mrs. Leigh's handwriting, "December, 1812"):
3. The following letter was apparently written in the summer of 1812:
4. The following letter was evidently written at the time when the separation of Lord and Lady Byron was first rumoured:
5. The following letter probably refers to the publication of the lines, "Fare thee Well," in April, 1816:
6. In 1824, after the death of Byron, and after the publication of Captain Medwin's Recollections of Lord Byron, Lady Caroline Lamb sent a letter to Mr. Henry Colburn, the publisher, enclosing one to be given to Medwin and published. Both are given here, and the latter should be read in substantiation or correction of what is stated in the notes. The letter is printed verbatim et literatim.
Appendix IV—Letters of Bernard Barton
Part of the draft of Byron's answer to these two letters is in existence, and runs as follows:
Appendix V—Correspondence with Walter Scott
The following is Walter Scott's reply to Byron's letter of July 6, 1812:
Appendix VI—The Giant and the Dwarf
Appendix VII—Attacks on Lord Byron in the Newspapers for February and March, 1814
I: The Courier
(1) Lord Byron (The Courier, February 1, 1814).
(2) The Courier, February 2, 1814.
(3) The Courier, February 3, 1814
(4) Byroniana No. 1 (The Courier, February 5, 1814).
(5) Byroniana No. 2 (The Courier, February 8, 1814)
(6) Byroniana No. 3 (The Courier, February 12, 1814). Crede Byron—"Trust Byron."
(7) Byroniana No. 4 (The Courier, February 17, 1814)
(8) Byroniana No. 5 (The Courier, February 19, 1814).
(9) From The Courier (March 15, 1814).
II: The Morning Post
(1) Verses (Morning Post, February 5, 1814).
(2) To Lord Byron (Morning Post, February 7, 1814).
(3) Lord Byron (Morning Post, February 8, 1814)
(4) Lines (Morning Post, February 8, 1814).
(5) Lines (Morning Post, February 11, 1814)
(6) To Lord Byron (Morning Post, February 15, 1814)
(7) To Lord Byron (Morning Post, February 16, 1814)
(8) Verses Addressed To Lord Byron (Morning Post, February 16, 1814).
(9) Patronage Extraordinary (Morning Post, February 17, 1814)
(10) Lord Byron (Morning Post, February 18, 1814).
III: The Sun
(1) The Sun, February 4, 1814.
(2) Epigram (The Sun, February 8, 1814)
(3) Lord Byron (The Sun, February 11, 1814).
(4) Parody (The Sun, February 16, 1814)
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