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Imperial Library
Title Page
1. A Stranger in an even Stranger Land
2. A Step Heard Round the Universe
3. A Wild Card can Change any Game
4. Acclimatizing goes both ways
5. I don't think he meant that as
6. Let's Have a Little Race
7. A Third Path to the Future has Opened
8. Orders from on High we Were Told
9. Villians Always Have to Make Their Speec
10. I'll Put out Your Fire
11. We're Going to do This the Easy Way
12. You To Are Human
13. Do I Speak to a Subject or a King?
14. Fiddly Bits
15. What's A Trip To The Orient Without
16. A Good Day
17. Where Do I Sign Up
18. Very Well, I, Victor Von Doom
19. I Will Give Him Something to Fear
20. There's gonna be a rumble
21. That's a Wrap Ladies and Gentlemen!
22. Attack of the Spandex Dilemma
23. Want To Go On A Bug Hunt?
24. Paranoia In Our Line Of Work Is
25. Congratulations
26. Irony Has Bite
27. Doesn't Rain, But it Pours
28. Stronger Together
29. Chapter 29 Heavy is the Head
30. Stepping Into The Unknown
31. Welcome!
32. Road to Kingship
33. Drowning in Meetings
34. Choice
35. Chapter 35
36. Slow Progress New Enemies Playing, Old
37. A Hot, Cold War
38. A Whirlwind, Reaped
39. Sinister Smacked Down
40. Building Bridges, Endings, Beginnings
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