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Table of Contents
Preface to the Second Edition
List of Symbols
Greek Symbols
Special symbols
Conversion factors
About the Authors
1 Introduction
2 PvT Behavior of Pure Components
2.1 General Description
2.2 Caloric Properties
2.3 Ideal Gases
2.4 Real Fluids
2.5 Equations of State
3 Correlation and Estimation of Pure Component Properties
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Characteristic Physical Property Constants
3.3 Temperature‐Dependent Properties
3.4 Correlation and Estimation of Transport Properties
4 Properties of Mixtures
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Property Changes of Mixing
4.3 Partial Molar Properties
4.4 Gibbs–Duhem Equation
4.5 Ideal Mixture of Ideal Gases
4.6 Ideal Mixture of Real Fluids
4.7 Excess Properties
4.8 Fugacity in Mixtures
4.9 Activity and Activity Coefficient
4.10 Application of Equations of State to Mixtures
5 Phase Equilibria in Fluid Systems
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Thermodynamic Fundamentals
5.3 Application of Activity Coefficients
5.4 Calculation of Vapor–Liquid Equilibria Using g Models
5.5 Fitting of g Model Parameters
5.6 Calculation of Vapor–Liquid Equilibria Using Equations of State
5.7 Conditions for the Occurrence of Azeotropic Behavior
5.8 Solubility of Gases in Liquids
5.9 Liquid–Liquid Equilibria
5.10 Predictive Models
6 Caloric Properties
6.1 Caloric Equations of State
6.2 Enthalpy Description in Process Simulation Programs
6.3 Caloric Properties in Chemical Reactions
7 Electrolyte Solutions
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Thermodynamics of Electrolyte Solutions
7.3 Activity Coefficient Models for Electrolyte Solutions
7.4 Dissociation Equilibria
7.5 Influence of Salts on the Vapor–Liquid Equilibrium Behavior
7.6 Complex Electrolyte Systems
8 Solid–Liquid Equilibria
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Thermodynamic Relations for the Calculation of Solid–Liquid Equilibria
8.3 Salt Solubility
8.4 Solubility of Solids in Supercritical Fluids
9 Membrane Processes
9.1 Osmosis
9.2 Pervaporation
10 Polymer Thermodynamics1
10.1 Introduction
10.2 g Models
10.3 Equations of State
10.4 Influence of Polydispersity
10.5 Influence of Polymer Structure
11 Applications of Thermodynamics in Separation Technology
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Verification of Model Parameters Prior to Process Simulation
11.3 Investigation of Azeotropic Points in Multicomponent Systems
11.4 Residue Curves, Distillation Boundaries, and Distillation Regions
11.5 Selection of Entrainers for Azeotropic and Extractive Distillation
11.6 Selection of Solvents for Other Separation Processes
11.7 Selection of Solvent‐Based Separation Processes
12 Enthalpy of Reaction and Chemical Equilibria
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Enthalpy of Reaction
12.3 Chemical Equilibrium
12.4 Multiple Chemical Reaction Equilibria
13 Examples for Complex Systems
13.1 Introduction
13.2 Formaldehyde Solutions
13.3 Vapor Phase Association
14 Practical Applications
14.1 Introduction
14.2 Flash
14.3 Joule–Thomson Effect
14.4 Adiabatic Compression and Expansion
14.5 Pressure Relief
14.6 Limitations of Equilibrium Thermodynamics
15 Experimental Determination of Pure Component and Mixture Properties
15.1 Introduction
15.2 Pure Component Vapor Pressure and Boiling Temperature
15.3 Enthalpy of Vaporization
15.4 Critical Data
15.5 Vapor–Liquid Equilibria
15.6 Activity Coefficients at Infinite Dilution
15.7 Liquid–Liquid Equilibria (LLE)
15.8 Gas Solubility
15.9 Excess Enthalpy
16 Introduction to the Collection of Example Problems
16.1 Introduction
16.2 Mathcad Examples
16.3 Examples Using the Dortmund Data Bank (DDB) and the Integrated Software Package DDBSP
16.4 Examples Using Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Office VBA
Appendix A: Pure Component Parameters
Appendix B: Coefficients for High‐Precision Equations of State
Appendix C: Useful Derivations
A1 Relationship Between (∂s/∂T)P and (∂s/∂T)v
A2 Expressions for (∂u/∂v)T and (∂s/∂v)T
A3 cP and cv as Derivatives of the Specific Entropy
A4 Relationship Between cP and cv
A5 Expression for (∂h/∂P)T
A6 Expression for (∂s/∂P)T
A7 Expression for [∂(g/RT)/∂T]P and van't Hoff Equation
A8 General Expression for cv
A9 Expression for (∂P/∂v)T
A10 Cardano's Formula
B1 Derivation of the Kelvin Equation
B2 Equivalence of Chemical Potential μ and Gibbs Energy g for a Pure Substance
B3 Phase Equilibrium Condition for a Pure Substance
B4 Relationship Between Partial Molar Property and State Variable (Euler Theorem)
B5 Chemical Potential in Mixtures
B6 Relationship Between Second Virial Coefficients of Leiden and Berlin Form
B7 Derivation of Expressions for the Speed of Sound for Ideal and Real Gases
B8 Activity of the Solvent in an Electrolyte Solution
B9 Temperature Dependence of the Azeotropic Composition
B10 Konovalov Equations
C1 (s–s)T,P
C2 (h–h)T,P
C3 (g–g)T,P
C4 Relationship Between Excess Enthalpy and Activity Coefficient
D1 Fugacity Coefficient for a Pressure‐Explicit Equation of State
D2 Fugacity Coefficient of the Virial Equation (Leiden Form)
D3 Fugacity Coefficient of the Virial Equation (Berlin Form)
D4 Fugacity Coefficient of the Soave–Redlich–Kwong Equation of State
D5 Fugacity Coefficient of the PSRK Equation of State
D.6 Fugacity Coefficient of the VTPR Equation of State
E.1 Derivation of the Wilson Equation
E.2 Notation of the Wilson, NRTL, and UNIQUAC Equations in Process Simulation Programs
E.3 Inability of the Wilson Equation to Describe a Miscibility Gap
F.1 (h–h) for Soave–Redlich–Kwong Equation of State
F2 (s–s) for Soave–Redlich–Kwong Equation of State
F3 (g–g) for Soave–Redlich–Kwong Equation of State
F4 Antiderivatives of Correlations
G1 Speed of Sound as Maximum Velocity in an Adiabatic Pipe with Constant Cross‐Flow Area
G2 Maximum Mass Flux of an Ideal Gas
Appendix D: Standard Thermodynamic Properties for Selected Electrolyte Compounds
Appendix E: Regression Technique for Pure Component Data
Appendix F: Regression Techniques for Binary Parameters
Appendix G: Ideal Gas Heat Capacity Polynomial Coefficients for Selected Compounds
Appendix H: UNIFAC Parameters
Further Reading
Appendxi I: Modified UNIFAC Parameters
Further Reading
Appendix J: PSRK Parameters
Further Reading
Appendix K: VTPR Parameters
Further Readings
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