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Imperial Library
By the same author:
Chapter 1: What If the Germans had Won the Second World War?
Chapter 2: What If Winston Churchill Had Died Younger?
Chapter 3: What If Resistance to the Japanese Invasion of China Had Been More Effective?
Chapter 4: What If France Had Suffered a Coup D’État in February 1934?
Chapter 5: What If Appeasement Had Succeeded?
Chapter 6: What If the Maginot Line Had Been Built Along the Belgian Border?
Chapter 7: What If Czechoslovakia Had Gone To War In 1938? - Two Historians' Perspectives
Chapter 8: What If the German Invasion of Scandinavia in 1940 Had Been Defeated?
Chapter 9: What If Italy Had Not Entered the Second World War?
Chapter 10: What If the British Expeditionary Force Had Been Eliminated at Dunkirk?
Chapter 11: What If the French Government Had Relocated to Algeria in 1940?
Chapter 12: What If Germany Had Invaded Switzerland?
Chapter 13: What If Japan Had Invaded India and Ceylon?
Chapter 14: What If the Allies Had Been Unable to Crack the Enigma Ciphers?
Chapter 15: What If Germany Had Invaded Spain and Portugal?
Chapter 16: What If the Germans Had Invaded Cyprus?
Chapter 17: What If the Allies Had Invaded in Brittany in 1943?
Chapter 18: What If Operation Mincemeat Had Failed?
Chapter 19: What If the Germans Had Developed the Atomic Bomb?
Chapter 20: What If the Morgenthau Plan Had Been Implemented?
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