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Agile Writer: Method
1 Welcome
1.1 Misconceptions About Novel Writing
1.2 What Makes a Great Story?
1.2.1 The Video
1.2.2 Chesterfield Writers Club
1.2.3 Movies and Heroes
1.2.4 Agile Writers
1.3 Why Do People Read Novels?
1.4 Why Do You Want To Write a Novel?
1.5 Know Your Audience
1.6 How This Book Is Orgainized
1.7 Summary
2 The Agile Novel
2.1 An Agile Novel Is Fictional
2.2 An Agile Novel Is Genre Fiction
2.3 An Agile Novel Is Hero-Based
2.4 An Agile Novel Is 60,000 Words
2.5 An Agile Novel Is Commercially Viable
2.6 Summary
3 The Story Abstract
3.1 Story Title
3.2 Author’s Name
3.3 Audience
3.3.1 Age Range
3.3.2 Gender
3.3.3 Educational Level
3.3.4 Genre
3.4 Message
3.5 One Line Description
3.6 Elevator Speech
3.7 Summary
4 The Hero’s Journey
4.1 Joseph Campbell
4.2 Christopher Vogler’s 12 Stages
4.2.1 The Ordinary World
4.2.2 The Call To Adventure
4.2.3 The Refusal of the Call
4.2.4 Meeting the Mentor
4.2.5 Crossing the First Threshold
4.2.6 Tests, Allies, Enemies
4.2.7 Approach to the Inmost Cave
4.2.8 Ordeal
4.2.9 Reward
4.2.10 The Road Back
4.2.11 Resurrection
4.2.12 Return With the Elixir
4.3 Summary
5 The Hero Abstract
5.1 The Missing Inner Quality
5.2 The Main Goal
5.3 The Life Goal
5.4 Sympathetic Qualities
5.5 Flaws
5.6 The Greatest Fear
5.7 The Mentor
5.8 Allies
5.9 The Opposition & Enemies
5.10 Summary
6 Plotting And Pacing
6.1 The Problem
6.2 Structure
6.3 Stories Are Stories
6.4 Simplifying Assumptions
6.5 Summary
7 The Agile Storyboard
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Stage 0: The Prologue
7.3 Stage 1: The Hero
7.3.1 The Ordinary World
7.3.2 The Life Goal
7.3.3 The Missing Inner Quality
7.3.4 Meeting the Mentor
7.3.5 The Call to Adventure
7.3.6 The Refusal of the Call
7.3.7 Turning Point #1: The Inciting Incident
7.3.8 Crossing the First Threshold
7.3.9 Summary of Stage 1: The Hero
7.4 Stage 2: The Special World
7.4.1 The Rules of the Special World
7.4.2 Allies and Friends
7.4.3 The Opposition and Enemies
7.4.4 Turning Point #2: The Main Goal
7.4.5 Summary of Stage 2: The Special World
7.5 Stage 3: Discovery
7.5.1 Allies and Friends
7.5.2 Exploring the Special World
7.5.3 Approaching the Inmost Cave
7.5.4 Turning Point #3: The Reminder
7.5.5 Summary of Stage 3: Discovery
7.6 Stage 4: Growth
7.6.1 Final Allies and Friends
7.6.2 Turning Point #4: Commitment
7.6.3 Summary of Stage 4: Growth
7.7 Stage 5: Decline
7.7.1 Turning Point #5: Why are we here?
7.7.2 Summary of Stage 5: Decline
7.8 Stage 6: Despair
7.8.1 Turning Point #6: Death or Disappointment
7.8.2 Summary of Stage 6: Despair
7.9 Stage 7: The Gathering Storm
7.9.1 Turning Point #7: The Climax
7.9.2 Summary of Stage 7: The Gathering Storm
7.10 Stage 8: Resolution
7.10.1 Epilogue
7.10.2 Summary of Stage 8: Resolution
7.11 Summary
8 Writing Your Novel
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Step 1: The Story Abstract
8.3 Step 2: The Hero Abstract
8.4 Step 3: The Synopsis
8.5 Step 4: The Agile Storyboard
8.6 Step 5: Scenes
8.7 Step 6: Write Your First Draft
8.8 Embrace Change
8.9 Summary
9 The First Thirty Pages
9.1 The First Three Sentences
9.2 The First Three Paragraphs
9.3 The First Three Chapters
9.4 The Next Three Chapters
9.5 Summary
10 Agile Writer Critique
10.1 Overview
10.2 Formatting Your Work
10.2.1 File Format
10.2.2 Fonts
10.2.3 Header
10.2.4 Footer
10.2.5 One File Per Critique
10.2.6 Example Format
10.2.7 Summary
10.3 Sharing Your Work
10.3.1 Agree On A Medium For Exchange
10.3.2 Agree on Amount
10.3.3 Time Frame
10.3.4 Don’t Resubmit
10.3.5 Strive To Constantly Move Forward
10.4 Before The Meeting
10.5 Your Comments
10.6 At The Meeting
10.7 Receiving Critique
10.8 The Critiquers
10.8.1 Resources
11 Summary
11.1 Future Works
A. The Story Abstract Template
B. The Hero Abstract Template
C. Agile Storyboard Template
Stage 0: Prologue (0-30 pages)
Stage 1: The Hero (30 pages)
Stage 2: The Special World (30 pages)
Stage 3: Discovery (30 pages)
Stage 4: Growth (30 pages)
Stage 5: Decline (30 pages)
Stage 6: Despair (30 pages)
Stage 7: The Gathering Storm (30 pages)
Stage 8: Resolution (0-30 pages)
D. Luddite Planet Example Storyboard
Stage 0: Prologue (0-30 pages)
Stage 1: The Hero (30 pages)
Stage 2: The Special World (30 pages)
Stage 3: Discovery (30 pages)
Stage 4: Growth (30 pages)
Stage 5: Decline (30 pages)
Stage 6: Despair (30 pages)
Stage 7: The Gathering Storm (30 pages)
Stage 8: Resolution (0-30 pages)
About The Author
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