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Imperial Library
<1> Why are so many pharmacists disillusioned?
<2> Some pharmacists have serious doubts about many of the pills they dispense
<3> Ten reasons why doctors prescribe pills so eagerly
<4> Why our medical system’s obsession with pills made us poorly prepared for a pandemic
<5> Are these 10 common drug therapies contrary to Mother Nature?
<6> Ten reasons pharmacists feel pressured to be positive about pills
<7> Drug advertisements, scary side effects and cognitive dissonance
<8> Pharmacists’ attitudes toward side effects
<9> Why are pharmacists silent about generic drug quality?
<10> Who makes more mistakes: bank tellers or pharmacists?
<11> Pharmacy technicians can be devastated when they make a mistake
<12> Do pharmacists like pills more than prevention?
<13> Can commonly prescribed drugs actually cause cancer?
<14> Have pharmacists become cheerleaders for drugs?
<15> Are all “chronic conditions” really chronic?
<16> Pharma’s distorted view of health
<17> Miscellaneous quotes about medicine and health
<18> Should people accept any responsibility for needing so many pills?
<19> Why politics and pills are inseparable
<20> Pharmacy and the commodification of health
<21> Are pharmacists fulfilled by their job?
<22> Pharmacists’ fear, anger and disgust
<23> The biggest myth of modern medicine
<24> Is modern medicine a religion?
<25> How pharmacy resembles a religion
<26> The origins of my view that the world of pills is largely absurd
<27> Are we witnessing the end of a profession?
<28> Pharmacists and cognitive dissonance
<29> The ten most shocking things I learned as a pharmacist
<30> Pharmacists’ attitudes and biases
<31> Are pharmacists pill happy?
<32> Five reasons to ban white coats
<33> Eighteen types of pharmacists who get under my skin
<34> Working with like-minded pharmacists would be nice
<35> Understaffing: The cancer on our profession
<36> Pharmacists: Which drugs do you admire the most—and the least?
<37> Do pharmacists care about prevention?
<38> A prescription for what ails our profession
<39> Why I was uneasy in pharmacy school
<40> A disillusioned pharmacist’s case against Pharma and the FDA
<41> Why don’t pharmacists unoinize?
<42> The hubris in medicine and pharmacy has to end
<43> The triumph of ideology over science in medicine
<44> Modern medicine’s absurd obsession with chemistry
<45> Modern medicine’s absurd focus on cells rather than societies
<46> Big Pharma’s absurdly mechanistic and reductionist view of human health
<47> How much of pharmacy is based on science?
<48> An absurd system based on pills rather than prevention
<49> Americans are drowning in a sea of pills
<50> Pharmacists: Which political party more closely reflects your views?
<51> Should pharmacists be entrepreneurs? Or should pharmacists be skeptical scientists?
<52> Why use jargon like asthenia, pruritis, epistaxis, ataxia, syncope, urticaria, enuresis, and dyspnea?
<53> The absurdly narrow view of health taught in pharmacy school
<54> The triumph of reductionism at America’s pharmacy schools
<55> Should pharmacy schools focus more on health rather than disease?
<56> With more doctorates (PharmD’s) in the profession, why aren’t there fewer pharmacy mistakes?
<57> What professors should tell students on the first day of pharmacy school
<58> Pharmacists: What are your favorite—and least favorite—drugs to dispense?
<59> Risks vs. benefits of drugs
<60> Best and worst drugs in the pharmacy
<61> Memorable misfills during my career in chain drug stores
<62> Other pharmacists’ memorable misfills
<63> Pharmacists reveal their worst pharmacy mistakes
<64> Do you need vitamin supplements?
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