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Imperial Library
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Title Page
Table of Contents
A short exercise to get started
The infinity symbol as an expression of our attitude to life
The lemniscate symbol
The infinity symbol in different cultures
Hermes’ staff
The lemniscate – a mathematical symbol
Number pyramid
The Moebius strip
The eight in numerology
The infinity symbol in the tarot pack
The significance of the number eight for the Chinese
Our infinite capacity for growth
Exercise: Make your own lemniscate
The balance between the two halves of the brain
Exercise: Combining the two halves of the brain
For the more experienced
Exercise: Conducting
Exercise: Nose and ear
Exercise: Elephant’s trunk
Living in duality and striving for harmony
Food for thought
Exercise: Free yourself from an either/or situation
Harmonious relationships in the energy of the lemniscate
How can the infinity symbol help us with our partnerships and in our relationships in general?
Exercise: Bringing the masculine and feminine sides within us into balance
Exercise: Bringing harmony to your relationship
Exercise: Help in finding solutions
Ritual: Attracting the ideal partner or creating more common ground in an existing relationship
An ancient Celtic wedding ritual
The vibration of the infinity symbol in living Nature
Exercise: A balancing exercise for the body with a partner
The infinity symbol in the animal kingdom
The ‘figure-of-eight’ within us
Tips and exercises for working with the lemniscate
Final thoughts
About the author
Picture credits
Also published by Earthdancer
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