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Title Page
Clutter Rehab
Let’s Talk Clutter
1 - Ask clutter questions
2 - Banish clutter excuses
I might need it one day.
I don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings by getting rid of it.
I don’t want to seem ungrateful.
It was so expensive.
The item could be valuable.
It brings back so many memories.
3 - Consolidate...everything!
4 - Remember: less is more
5 - Give everything a designated space
6 - Create simple solutions for keys
7 - Don’t make a system too complicated
8 - Have a daily walkabout
9 - Never leave a room empty-handed
10 - Take pictures of sentimental clutter
11 - Place wire shelves in cupboards
12 - Put vertical dividers in kitchen cupboards
13 - Use containers to set limits and boundaries
14 - Select containers to create more space
15 - Organizing doesn’t have to be expensive—make do
16 - Create a backpack station
17 - Set up a beverage station
18 - Have a donation station
19 - Designate a craft center station
20 - Create a game station
21 - Design a gift-wrapping station
22 - Utilize an “I’m outta here” shelf
23 - Use hooks for kid’s coats instead of hangers
24 - Attach hooks on the back of doors for extra storage
25 - Get kids involved with organizing
26 - Start every week with a menu plan
27 - Set a grocery shopping day and stick to it
28 - Have a central calendar your whole family can access
29 - Create a visual calendar for young kids
30 - If you don’t like something, change it or stop complaining
31 - Establish a “command center”
32 - Re-purpose items for creative storage solutions
33 - Use labels to know what goes where
34 - Color-code the kids
35 - Do a “ten-minute tidy” every night before bed
36 - Mark expiration dates on makeup
37 - Keep flat surfaces clear
38 - Work together with a friend for inspiration and motivation
39 - Don’t keep out-of-season clothes in prime real estate space
40 - Purge clothing at the end of the season, not the beginning
41 - Learn these eleven tips for parting with your clothes
42 - Use the “one in, one out” rule
43 - Keep toy sets together in specific rooms
44 - Use toy boxes only for large items
45 - Schedule regular toy “clean-outs”
46 - Toss your junk mail right away
47 - Utilize notebooks and lists
48 - Set your daily top-three to-dos
49 - Don’t look up
50 - If you haven’t used something in a year, get rid of it
51 - If it doesn’t fit the vision for the space, get rid of it
52 - Keep a wastebasket in every room
53 - Cut the knick-knacks out
54 - Set your own clutter standards
55 - Store stuff where you use it
56 - Use memory binders or totes to organize kids’ keepsakes
57 - Do not keep more than three months’ backlog of magazine articles
58 - Keep manuals with the receipt stapled to them all in one place
59 - Pack activity bags
60 - Keep your vehicle stocked with essentials
61 - Use a purse organizer or clear bags to organize your purse or bag
62 - Embrace Plan B and let go of perfectionism
63 - Keep projects in progress under control
64 - Disguise your storage
65 - Use rolling plastic drawer units
66 - Implement a weekly cleaning schedule
67 - Create a “Housekeeping Mission Statement”
68 - Have a handy library basket
69 - Limit your family to two towels and two sets of sheets per person
70 - Use space bags
71 - Utilize online photo books for pictures
72 - Create a “to file” basket
73 - Use pizza boxes for scrapbook paper or children’s artwork
74 - Use visual cues to eliminate clutter.
75 - Install closet organizers
76 - Create a binder and online folder for recipes
77 - Use drawer dividers
78 - Designate a charging station
79 - Make a jewelry organizer
80 - Think about your habits
81 - Label the lids of spices
82 - Make a rule: no food in bedrooms
83 - Use a system to organize kid clothes
84 - Tackle small tasks to get big results
85 - Regularly go through the medicine cabinet for expired products
86 - Stop sorting your laundry
87 - Organize coupons
88 - Streamline kitchen utensils
89 - Organize your pantry
90 - Create an e-mail folder system
91 - Cut the clutter in your bedroom and create the sanctuary you deserve
92 - Invite company over as motivation
93 - Use binder clips for cables
94 - Use Command Hooks to save space
95 - Keep toothbrushes organized
96 - Use camera bags for video games
97 - Don’t put it off until later
98 - Organize your entryway
99 - Focus!
100 - Organize while watching TV
101 - Use multitasking wisely
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