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Half title
Introduction: Religious Studies and the Academic Study of Islam
September 11 and the Quest for a Normative Islam
The Insider–Outsider Debate
Critics Versus Caretakers
The “Authenticity Debate” in Islamic Studies
Identity Formations
Islam and Muslim Identities
On Diversity
Part I. Origins
1. Setting the Stage: Pre-Islamic Arabia
Pre-Islamic Arabia
Pre-Islamic Arabian Religions
Pre-Islamic Mecca
Monotheisms in Arabia
Later Muslim Accounts of Islamic Origins
Outsider and Skeptical Approaches to Islamic Origins
Islamic Origins: A Synthetic Approach
2. The Making of the Last Prophet
Muhammad at Mecca
Muhammad at Medina
Muhammad and the Jews of Medina
Muhammad’s Wives
The Return to Mecca and Death of Muhammad
The Making of the Last Prophet
Polemical Literature Against Muhammad
The Deeds and Sayings of Muhammad: The Genre of Hadith
Representing Muhammad
3. The Quran: The Base Narrative
Traditional Accounts
The Critical View
The Linguistic Matrix of the Ancient Near East
Why Don’t Muslims Have an “Old Testament”?
Messages and Contents
The Inimitability of the Quran
The Quran in Muslim Life
Tafsir: Commentary on the Quran
Ta’wil: Esoteric Interpretation of the Quran
Part II. Identity Formations
4. Islam Beyond the Arabian Peninsula: A Historical Overview
The Death of Muhammad and the Seeds of Division
The Events at the Portico of the Banu Sa‘ida
The Four Rashidun
Abd al-Malik and the Creation of an Islamic Empire
Conversion to Islam in the Medieval Period
The Abbasid Caliphate
Al-Andalus, or Muslim Spain
Independent Emirates
The View from the Edge
The Ottoman Empire
5. Early Sectarianism and the Formation of Shi‘ism
Wilferd Madelung’s The Succession to Muhammad
The Events at the Portico of the Banu Sa‘ida: A Pro-Shi‘i View
Shi‘at Ali
The Events at Karbala
The Ghulat
The Importance of Ja‘far al-Sadiq
The Role of the Imam
The Twelfth Imam
Shi‘i Dynasties
Twelver Shi‘ism
Other Shi‘i Denominations
Distinctive Doctrines
6. Legal Developments and the Rise of Sunni Islam
The Origins of Islamic Law: Two Approaches
Understanding the Concept of Law in Islam
“Hadith Folk” and the Emergence of Sunni Islam
The Importance of Muhammad al-Shafi‘i
Guardians of the Law: The Rise and Function of the Ulama
Sources of Ascertaining the Sharia
The Closing of the Gates of Ijtihad
The Four Madhahib
Shi‘i Legal Schools
Al-Azhar: The Center of Sunni Learning Today
7. Sufism
Locating Sufism
The Expansion–Asceticism Theory
Sources of the Ascetic Impulse
Geographic Diversity
Key Terms and Concepts
The Stations of Progression
“Sober” and “Intoxicated” Sufism
Some Key Figures
Institutional Sufism
Conservative Criticism of Sufism
Lived Sufism Today
Part III. Beliefs and Practices
8. Constituting Identities: Beliefs and Schools
The Rise of Muslim Theology (Kalam)
The Status of the Grave Sinner
Free Will and Predestination
Mutazilites and the Doctrine of the Created Quran
Ahmad ibn Hanbal
The Asharites
The Maturidis
Medieval Islamic Philosophy
The Five Doctrines of Islamic Faith
9. The Performance of Muslim Identities
The Mosque
Ritual Action
The Five Pillars
A Sixth Pillar: The Case of Jihad
Ritual Practice in Shi‘ism
Muhammad’s Birthday
“Popular” Islam
Part IV. Modern Variations
10. Encounters with Modernity
Definitions of Modernity
Colonialism and Orientalism
Maximalism and Minimalism
The Versatility of Islam in the Modern World: An Overview
Typology of Responses to Modernity
11. Constructing Muslim Women
Modern Attempts to Re-create Women’s Lives During the Time of Muhammad
Gender and the Construction of Female Mystics
The Veil: A Contested Symbol
Traditional Patterns
Fundamentalist Constructions
Western Feminism and Islam
Contemporary Islamic Feminism
12. Islam Post–September 11
Militant Voices: The Case of al-Qaeda
Interpreting the Events of September 11
Muslim Apologetics: The Need to Define a Liberal Islam
The Future
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