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Are You Lacking In Self-Confidence?
#1: A ccept Your Weaknesses
#2: Ac t Positive
#3: A dopt A Positive Mind Set
#4: B e Grateful
#5: B e Happy
#6: B e Prepared
#7: B e True To Yourself
#8: C elebrate Every Success
#9: C hange Your Environment
#10: C hange Your Habits
#11: C lear Your Desk Of Clutter
#12: C ut Back On Negative Sources
#13 : Do A Good Deed And Feel Great
#14: D o Not Pity Yourself
#15: D o Something You Enjoy
#16: D on’t Let Mistakes Reflect On Who You Are
#17: D ress Well
#18: F ace Your Fears
#19: F ocus On Solutions
#20: F ocus On What You Want
#21: F orget What Others Think
#22: G et Enough Sleep
#23: G et Some Exercise
#24: G ive Yourself A Pep Talk From Time To Time
#25: I mprove An Exiting Skill
#26: I mprove Posture – Stand Tall
#27: I mprove Your Diet
#28: I mprove How You Sound
#29: I t’s Time to Realise That You Are Unique
#30: K eep Track Of Your Success
#31: K now You Are Valuable
#32: K now Your Strengths
#33: L earn How to Say No
#34: L isten Or Read Positive Material Every Day
#35: L ive For The Now
#36: M aster A New Skill
#37: P ut Your Inner Critic In Its Place
#38: R ealize Your Life Goals
#39: R elax
#40: R emember Your Achievements
#41: S et A Plan And Stick To It
#42: S et Small Goals And Then Achieve Them
#43: S mile
#44: S top Being Self Absorbed
#45: S top Comparing Yourself To Others
#46: S top Living On Auto Pilot
#47: S top Procrastinating
#48: S urround Yourself With Positive People
#49: T he Power Of Imagination
#50: T hink Positive
#51: T reat Failures As Learning Opportunities
#52: V olunteer
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