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Introduction: The Growth Challenge
Growth Laggards vs. Leaders: The Difference Is Innovation Prowess
A Disciplined Process Is the First Step Toward Accelerating Growth
Figure I-1
Innovation Prowess: Discipline + Ability
Chapter One: Set the Growth Strategy
Setting the Growth Objectives: Can We Close the Growth Gap?
Assessing the Growth Gap
Figure 1-1
Analyze the Sources of Organic Growth*
Calibrating the Growth Gap
Closing the Growth Gap
Figure 1-2
Momentum Forecasting and the Growth Gap
Assessing Risk
Figure 1-3
The Innovation Risk Matrix
Growth Potential of the Innovation Portfolio
Figure 1-4
The Innovation Portfolio*
Establishing Scope and Boundaries
The Value of Limits
Start from the Outside In
Inside-Out Thinking
Figure 1-5
Integrating Outside-In and Inside-Out Thinking
Adjacencies: The Sweet Spot for Profitable Growth
Developing a Strategic Posture
Build, Buy, or Both?
Mutually Reinforcing Approaches to Growth
Figure 1-6
The Organic-Inorganic Growth Continuum
Open, Closed, or Blended?
First Mover, Fast Follower, or Imitator?
Allocating Resources
Guidance for Managers: Test Your Growth Strategy
Chapter Two: Expand the Search for Growth Opportunities
Full-Spectrum Innovation
Figure 2-1
Full-Spectrum Innovation: The 14 Growth Pathways
The Customer Value Proposition Growth Pathways
Customer Pathway
Offerings Pathway
Value Profile Pathway
The Business Model Growth Pathways
The 14 Growth Pathways
Pathway 1: Satisfy latent or unmet needs
Figure 2-2
The IDEO Development Process
Pathway 2: Overcome barriers to consumption
Pathway 3: Enter new segments, categories, or geographies
Pathway 4: Improve the customer experience across all touch points
Figure 2-3
Customer Experience Mapping
Pathway 5: Develop innovative new products, services, or platforms
Pathway 6: Provide integrated solutions
Pathway 7: Innovative imitation
Pathway 8: Innovate the value profile
Figure 2-4
The Budget Hotel Market in India
Pathway 9: Enable “sense and respond” capabilities
Pathway 10: Align to a specific segment
Pathway 11: Go to market more effectively
Pathway 12: Shrink the core, expand the network30
Pathway 13: Reconfigure core processes
Pathway 14: Change how the firm makes money
Guidance for Managers: Navigate the Pathways
Chapter Three: Converge on the Best Opportunities
Figure 3-1
Converge on the Best Opportunities: Successively Tighter Filters
Refine the Opportunity Set
Generate Growth Ideas
Filter the Growth Ideas
Screen for Learning38
Figure 3-2
Screening for Success
The Screening Team
Why 3M Embraced R-W-W
Assess and Contain Risk
Challenge the Business Model
Figure 3-3
Prioritizing Assumptions
Keep Your Options Open
Develop and Launch the Best Opportunties
Figure 3-4
The Attrition Curve for Innovation Concepts
Guidance for Managers: Examine Your Current Practices
Chapter Four: Apply Innovation Prowess to Accelerate Growth
Figure 4-1
Diagnosing an Innovation Ability
Innovation Culture
Values and Norms of Innovation Cultures
Leadership and Culture
Innovation Capabilities
Market Learning Capability51
Market Sensing
Sense Making
Applying the Insights
Feedback and Deeper Learning
Open Network Management Capability
Figure 4-2
Innovating in an Open Network
Mapping and Engaging the Ecosystem
Identify and Contain Risks
Relating to Network Partners/Collaborators
Adaptive Development Capability
Figure 4-3
Variations on Stage-Gate Processes
Innovation Configuration
Designing the Organization to Innovate
Growth Inhibitor One: Diffused Accountability
Growth Inhibitor Two: Constrained Thinking/Narrowed Thinking
Growth Inhibitor Three: Square Peg, Round Hole
Metrics and Incentives
Emphasize Learning over Scorekeeping
Customize the Dashboard
Improving and Applying Your Innovation Prowess
Guidance for Managers: Assess Your Innovation Ability
Our Culture?
Our Capabilities?
Our Configuration?
Handrail 1: Focus Relentlessly on Customer Value
Handrail 2: Balance Discipline and Creativity
Handrail 3: Profit from Uncertainty
Handrail 4: Master Ambidexterity
Handrail 5: Mobilize the Entire Organization
Appendix A: Positioning Projects on the Matrix
Appendix B: The Real-Win-Worth It Screen
About the Author
About the Wharton Executive Essentials Series
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About The Wharton School
Wharton on Strategy
© 2013 by George S. Day
About the Book
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