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No More Debt!
God Wants Us to Prosper
The Time Is Now
God Has a Purpose
God's Way Works!
1: A New Way of Life
Two Systems at Work
The Better Way
Sow a Seed, Reap a Harvest
Learn to Give
1. Renew your mind.
2. Sow into good ground.
3. Give expecting to receive.
4. Remember that a seed grows down before it grows up.
5. Help others with a similar need.
2: Tuning In to God's Frequency
A Hearing Heart Is Essential
Get A Clear Signal
1. Unbelief.
2. An undeveloped spirit.
3. A hardened heart.
4. Take time to hear Him.
1. Maintain a spirit of expectancy.
2. Pray in the Spirit without ceasing.
3. Confirm what you hear with the Word and wait for His peace.
4. Seek Godly counsel.
5. Boldly obey God's instruction.
3: The Practical Side to Debt Cancellation
Destined for Prosperity
Get Yourself in Order
1. Renew your mind concerning debt release by the Word of God.
2. Gather your bills into one place.
3. Create a list of every bill you owe and ask God for the specific financial miracle you need.
4. Don't cancel out what you confess.
5. Bind the strong man.
6. Become a tither in a Word-based local church and obey God in your giving.
4: The Building Blocks of Debt Cancellation
Created In His Image
Follow God's Example
Deposit the Word in Your Heart
1. Diligently search Scripture for your title deeds.
2. Write the scriptures down.
3. Say them aloud several times a day.
4. Let patience do its work.
5. Guard your mouth.
Manifestation Awaits You
5: A Partner With the Anointing
A Covenant Relationship
Our part is to:
Your part is to:
Anointed to Bless You
Your Seed Applies Faith Pressure
A Fail-Proof System
Make the Word Your Final Authority
6: Entertaining Angels
Created for a Purpose
Angels Are Important
A Helping Hand
Enforcers of the Covenant
Confidence is the Key
Employ Your Angels With the Word
7: Weapons of Warfare
From the Natural to the Spiritual
Joy—An Act of the Will
The Fuse to Your Faith
Defend Your Joy
Power In Praise
Always a Reason to Praise
Become a Weapons Expert
8: The Principle Thing
A Facet of the Anointing
Part of the Initial Deposit
Wisdom From the Word
A Valuable Asset
Don't Reject Wisdom's Instruction
Wisdom at Work
Tap Into Wisdom
You Must Have the Right Motive
Change is Necessary
Accept the Mission
Countdown to Debt Cancellation
Study Questions
Five Steps to Complete Salvation
Seven Steps to Receiving the Baptism of the Holy Spirit
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