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Welcome to America’s Test Kitchen
Preface by Christopher Kimball
Hack This Book!—What Kind of Kitchen Hacker Are You?
Chapter 1: Clean Kitchen Hacks—Because No One Likes to Get Sick (or Dirty)
1.1 Putting Your Best Hand Forward
1.2 Banishing Unwelcome Smells and Pests
1.3 Everything and the Kitchen Sink
1.4 Help Your Dishwasher Help You
1.5 Cleaner Garbage is Not An Oxymoron
1.6 Avoiding Cross-Contamination
1.7 A Neat Start to the Day
1.8 Best Practices for the Tidy Baker
1.9 Oil Mess Management
1.10 Stopping Splashes and Splatters
1.11 Conquering Tricky Cleaning Challenges
1.12 Keeping it Clean Grillside
1.13 Outsmarting Messy Appliances
Chapter 2: Kitchen Organization Hacks—DIY Without a Trip to Ikea
2.1 A Place for Everything
2.2 Hacks for the Small Kitchen
2.3 Upcycled Organization
2.4 An Ounce of Prevention
2.5 Managing Your Fridge and Pantry
2.6 Hack-A-Gadget
Chapter 3: Food Prep Hacks—The Straight Dope on How-To from A to Z
A Alcohol/Apples/Artichokes/Avocados
B Bacon/Bananas/Beans/Beets/Butter
C Capers/Carrots/Cauliflower/Cheese/Cherries/Chicken/Chiles/Chives/Chocolate/Citrus/Coconuts/Coffee/Corn/Cucumbers
E Eggplants/Eggs
F Fish and Seafood/Fruits (General)
G Garlic/Ginger/Green Beans/Greens
H Herbs
L Lemon Grass
M Meat/Mushrooms
N Nuts
O Oil/Olives/Onions
P Pasta/Peaches/Peppers/Pineapples/Potatoes
S Salad Dressing/Sausages/Shortening/Shrimp/Spices and Seasonings/Spinach/Strawberries
T Tofu/Tomatoes
V Vegetables (General)
Z Zucchini
Chapter 4: Hacking the Basics—Smarter Skills for Everyday Kitchen Tasks
4.1 Safety First
4.2 Solving Packaging Frustrations
4.3 Making the Cut
4.4 Mixing it Up
4.5 The Department of Weights and Measures
4.6 Getting Greased Up
4.7 Cooling Things Down
4.8 Straining and Draining
4.9 Slimming and Skimming
4.10 Tempering and Temping
4.11 Baking: Bread
4.12 Baking: Cakes
4.13 Baking: Cookies
4.14 Baking: Muffins
4.15 Baking: Pastry
4.16 Baking: Pies
4.17 Baking: Pizza
4.18 Mastering the Grill
Chapter 5: Hacks In and Out of the Kitchen—Supervision May Be Required!
5.1 Garage and Garden Shed Cooking Tricks
5.2 Surprising Kitchen-Bathroom Crossovers
5.3 Cooking from the Laundry Room
5.4 Office Supplies for Kitchen Business
5.5 Secret Double Lives of Kitchen Tools
5.6 Tools You Can Eat
5.7 The Many Magical Uses of Canning Gear
Chapter 6: Food Storage Hacks—How to Keep Food Fresh and Stop Wasting Money
6.1 Waste Not, Want Not
6.2 Protecting Pantry Goods and Perishables
6.3 Baked Good Preservation
6.4 Fresh Tips for the Freezer
6.5 Frozen Reserves: Ingredients at the Ready
Chapter 7: Reheating and Reviving Food Hacks—AKA Culinary Magic
7.1 Don’t Throw That Out; It’s Still Good!
7.2 Tips for Leftovers Worth Eating
Chapter 8: Company’s Coming Hacks—Clever Ways to Impress Your Friends
8.1 Better Breakfasts and Brunches
8.2 Perfect Picnics
8.3 Cool Cocktail Parties
8.4 Fantastic Feasts
8.5 Divine Desserts
Chapter 9: 11th-Hour Hacks—You Made a Mistake, Now Let’s Fix It
9.1 It’s Not Too Late!
9.2 Recipe Rescue
9.3 Make it Look as Good as it Tastes
Chapter 10: Food Transport Hacks—Getting Your Dish from A to B, Safely
10.1 Flawless Food on the Go
10.2 Bring a Better Brown-Bag Lunch
10.3 Your Kitchen on Vacation
Chapter 11: Kitchen Hacks on the Books—Working Off the Page and On the Screen
11.1 Tech Tips for Foodies
11.2 Cooking the Books and More
11.3 Notes to Self
Chapter 12: Substitution Hacks—You Know Better But You Still Do It, So Do It Right
12.1 Raiding the Liquor Cabinet
12.2 Emergency Chocolate and Going Nutty
12.3 Milky Ways
12.4 Cultured Dairy Cures
12.5 A Few Good Eggs and One Cool Bean
12.6 Chewing the Fats (And Oils)
12.7 Flour Power and Leavening Up
12.8 Getting Salty and Spicing Things Up
12.9 Give Me Some Sugar
12.10 Hacking Very Specific Ingredients
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