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Devices of the Soul
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What's Ahead
I. Technology, Nature, and the Human Prospect
1. The Deceiving Virtues of Technology
1.1. Devices of the Mind
1.2. The Man of Many Devices
1.3. Balance and Separation
1.4. Reckoning with the Scoundrel
1.5. Reversals
1.6. Triumph of the Contrivance
1.7. Rousing Ourselves
2. Hold a Blossom to the Light
2.1. On Reading One's Environment
2.2. The Powers of Recognition
2.3. Puzzling Knowledge
2.4. Seeking a New Balance
2.5. The Thrill of Cutting Down Trees
2.6. Don't Bemoan the Loss of Old Skills
3. Toward an Ecological Conversation
3.1. We Converse to Become Ourselves
3.2. Permission and Responsibility
3.3. Approaching Mystery
3.4. Where Does the Wild Live?
3.5. Toward Creative Responsibility
3.6. A Word Unasked For
II. Extraordinary Lives
4. Can Technology Make the Handicapped Whole?
4.1. Hearing with More Than Ears
4.2. Lost Sight, Second Sight
4.3. Dangers
4.4. Attending to the World with New Eyes
4.5. The Human Being as a Developing Potential
4.6. Saving Illnesses
4.7. Addendum: The Living and the Dead
4.8. From And There Was Light
5. The Many Voices of Destiny
5.1. Falling Apart, Coming Together
5.2. At Harvard
5.3. Enjoying Life
5.4. Listening
5.5. Epilogue: Tinkering with Ourselves
5.6. On the New Eugenics
6. On Forgetting to Wear Boots
6.1. Dignity and Laughter
6.2. Trying to Communicate
6.3. Gift-Bearers
6.4. Serving the Other
6.5. Of Accident and Destiny
6.6. A Parent's Disconcerting Revelation
III. From Information to Education
7. Why Is the Moon Getting Farther Away?
6.1. The Loss of Significance
6.2. Living in a Virtual World
6.3. Learning the Language of Horses
6.4. A Chickadee Lesson
8. Failure to Connect
8.1. Looking for the Benefits
8.2. Remembering the Alternatives
9. Educational Provocations
10. Three Notes: On Baby Walkers, Video Games, and Sex
10.1. Beware the Baby Walker
10.2. Pianists and Video Game Players
10.3. Sex, the Internet, and Educational Reform
11. Who's Killing Higher Education?(Or Is It Suicide?)
11.1. When Business Embraces the Academy
11.2. Buying an Education More Cheaply
11.3. The Credentialed Society
11.4. Toward Greater Standardization
11.5. Becoming Qualified
11.6. Nothing to Teach
IV. On Socializing Our Machines
12. Conversing with Ella
13. Flesh and Machines:The Mere Assertions of Rodney Brooks
13.1. Searching for the Bottom
13.2. Order and Form
13.3. Losing Consciousness
13.4. Turnabout Is Fair Play
14. From HAL to Kismet
14.1. The Human Response
14.2. How Do You Simulate Life?
14.3. Invisible Authors
14.4. Learning from Kismet
15. Invisible Tools or Emotionally Supportive Pals?
15.1. We Need to Recognize Our Own Assumptions
15.2. Complementary Errors
15.3. The Computer in Context
V. On Mechanizing Society
16. Evil
17. The Threat of Technology That Works Well
17.1. Press "1" for Frustration
17.2. An Information Arms Race
17.3. Do Cell Phones Make Us Safer?
17.4. Will Lie-Detecting Software Make Us More Trustworthy?
17.5. The Automobile
17.6. Being Positive by Being Negative
18. The Ideal of Ubiquitous Technology
18.1. Digital Servants Everywhere
18.2. There Are No Solutions
18.3. Not Solutions, But a Strengthening of the "I"
18.4. Automating on Principle
18.5. A Strengthened Inner Activity
19. Privacy in an Age of Data
19.1. The Life of a Vibrant Neighborhood
19.2. The Privacy of Community
20. A Taste for Number Magic
20.1. The Importance of Capitalism
20.2. Flights of Abstraction
20.3. All You Need Is Numbers
20.4. Cutting Ourselves Off from Change
20.5. Beyond the Gambling Hall
21. The Internet: Reflections on Our Present Discontents
21.1. Vacant Efficiency
21.2. Personalizing Our Transactions
21.3. Movable Places
21.4. The Virtue of Friction in the Landscape
21.5. Programming Levity
21.6. A Hope Beyond Technology
A. Bibliography
About the Author
About the Author
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