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Organization of the book
Session 1. Galileo and multiplication of objects
1 Introduction
2 Galileo and the flight of a bird
3 Other examples of multiplication of objects
Part I: The category of sets
Article I: Sets, maps, composition
1 Guide
Summary: Definition of category
Session 2. Sets, maps, and composition
1 Review of Article I
2 An example of different rules for a map
3 External diagrams
4 Problems on the number of maps from one set to another
Session 3. Composing maps and counting maps
Part II: The algebra of composition
Article II: Isomorphisms
1 Isomorphisms
2 General division problems: Determination and choice
3 Retractions, sections, and idempotents
4 Isomorphisms and automorphisms
5 Guide
Summary: Special properties a map may have
Session 4. Division of maps: Isomorphisms
1 Division of maps versus division of numbers
2 Inverses versus reciprocals
3 Isomorphisms as ‘divisors’
4 A small zoo of isomorphisms in other categories
Session 5. Division of maps: Sections and retractions
1 Determination problems
2 A special case: Constant maps
3 Choice problems
4 Two special cases of division: Sections and retractions
5 Stacking or sorting
6 Stacking in a Chinese restaurant
Session 6. Two general aspects or uses of maps
1 Sorting of the domain by a property
2 Naming or sampling of the codomain
3 Philosophical explanation of the two aspects
Session 7. Isomorphisms and coordinates
1 One use of isomorphisms: Coordinate systems
2 Two abuses of isomorphisms
Session 8. Pictures of a map making its features evident
Session 9. Retracts and idempotents
1 Retracts and comparisons
2 Idempotents as records of retracts
3 A puzzle
4 Three kinds of retract problems
5 Comparing infinite sets
How to solve the quiz problems
Composition of opposed maps
Summary/quiz on pairs of ‘opposed’ maps
Summary: On the equation p ° j = 1[sub(A)]
Review of ‘I-words’
Test 1
Session 10. Brouwer’s theorems
1 Balls, spheres, fixed points, and retractions
2 Digression on the contrapositive rule
3 Brouwer’s proof
4 Relation between fixed point and retraction theorems
5 How to understand a proof: The objectification and ‘mapification’ of concepts
6 The eye of the storm
7 Using maps to formulate guesses
Part III: Categories of structured sets
Article III: Examples of categories
1 The category S[arrow] of endomaps of sets
2 Typical applications of S[arrow]
3 Two subcategories of S[arrow]
4 Categories of endomaps
5 Irreflexive graphs
6 Endomaps as special graphs
7 The simpler category S[sup(↓)]: Objects are just maps of sets
8 Reflexive graphs
9 Summary of the examples and their general significance
10 Retractions and injectivity
11 Types of structure
12 Guide
Session 11. Ascending to categories of richer structures
1 A category of richer structures: Endomaps of sets
2 Two subcategories: Idempotents and automorphisms
3 The category of graphs
Session 12. Categories of diagrams
1 Dynamical systems or automata
2 Family trees
3 Dynamical systems revisited
Session 13. Monoids
Session 14. Maps preserve positive properties
1 Positive properties versus negative properties
Session 15. Objectification of properties in dynamical systems
1 Structure-preserving maps from a cycle to another endomap
2 Naming elements that have a given period by maps
3 Naming arbitrary elements
4 The philosophical role of N
5 Presentations of dynamical systems
Session 16. Idempotents, involutions, and graphs
1 Solving exercises on idempotents and involutions
2 Solving exercises on maps of graphs
Session 17. Some uses of graphs
1 Paths
2 Graphs as diagram shapes
3 Commuting diagrams
4 Is a diagram a map?
Test 2
Session 18. Review of Test 2
Part IV: Elementary universal mapping properties
Article IV: Universal mapping properties
1 Terminal objects
2 Separating
3 Initial object
4 Products
5 Commutative, associative, and identity laws for multiplication of objects
6 Sums
7 Distributive laws
8 Guide
Session 19. Terminal objects
Session 20. Points of an object
Session 21. Products in categories
Session 22. Universal mapping properties and incidence relations
1 A special property of the category of sets
2 A similar property in the category of endomaps of sets
3 Incidence relations
4 Basic figure-types, singular figures, and incidence, in the category of graphs
Session 23. More on universal mapping properties
1 A category of pairs of maps
2 How to calculate products
Session 24. Uniqueness of products and definition of sum
1 The terminal object as an identity for multiplication
2 The uniqueness theorem for products
3 Sum of two objects in a category
Session 25. Labelings and products of graphs
1 Detecting the structure of a graph by means of labelings
2 Calculating the graphs A × Y
3 The distributive law
Session 26. Distributive categories and linear categories
1 The standard map A × B[sub(1)] + A × B[sub(2)] → A × (B[sub(1)] + B[sub(2)])
2 Matrix multiplication in linear categories
3 Sum of maps in a linear category
4 The associative law for sums and products
Session 27. Examples of universal constructions
1 Universal constructions
2 Can objects have negatives?
3 Idempotent objects
4 Solving equations and picturing maps
Session 28. The category of pointed sets
1 An example of a non-distributive category
Test 3
Test 4
Test 5
Session 29. Binary operations and diagonal arguments
1 Binary operations and actions
2 Cantor’s diagonal argument
Part V: Higher universal mapping properties
Article V: Map objects
1 Definition of map object
2 Distributivity
3 Map objects and the Diagonal Argument
4 Universal properties and ‘observables’
5 Guide
Session 30. Exponentiation
1 Map objects, or function spaces
2 A fundamental example of the transformation of map objects
3 Laws of exponents
4 The distributive law in cartesian closed categories
Session 31. Map object versus product
1 Definition of map object versus definition of product
2 Calculating map objects
Article VI: The contravariant parts functor
1 Parts and stable conditions
2 Inverse Images and Truth
Session 32. Subobject, logic, and truth
1 Subobjects
2 Truth
3 The truth value object
Session 33. Parts of an object: Toposes
1 Parts and inclusions
2 Toposes and logic
Article VII: The Connected Components Functor
1 Connectedness versus discreteness
2 The points functor parallel to the components functor
3 The topos of right actions of a monoid
Session 34. Group theory and the number of types of connected objects
Session 35. Constants, codiscrete objects, and many connected objects
1 Constants and codiscrete objects
2 Monoids with at least two constants
Appendix I: Geometery of figures and algebra of functions
1 Functors
2 Geometry of figures and algebra of functions as categories themselves
Appendix II: Adjoint functors with examples from graphs and dynamical systems
Appendix III: The emergence of category theory within mathematics
Appendix IV: Annotated Bibliography
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