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Nest Building
About the Title
How I Became the Fat Chick
Moving Towards Health and Happiness
Getting Ready!
Changing the Flight Path: Getting off the Big Fat Cycle
So Why Should I Exercise?
The Instant Bennies of Exercise
If not weight loss, How do I know if Exercise is “Working”?
The Fat Chick’s Plan For You
The Fat Chick Exercise Plan
First, What NOT to Do: Why Shouldn’t I Start at a Higher Level?
So, Here’s the Plan
The Fat Chick’s Three Workout Rules
How Much Should I Exercise if I’m Just Starting Out?
So how do I find my starting point?
Taking Your First Preflight Test
Warning Signs or “Dashboard Indicators”
How Often Should I Exercise?
Okay, So WHAT’S The Plan Again?
What Kind of Exercise Should I Do?
Okay, so how do I stick to it?
Week One: Living in the Egg
Coping with Panic and Managing Your Expectations
Exercise Three Strikes:
Managing Fitness Expectations
The Goals that Last
Imagine a World
Functional Fitness Means Living in Your Body
Living in Our Bodies Helps Us Achieve Fitness
Week Two: Cracking the Shell
Coping With Impatience
Why can’t I ramp up faster?
Running Off Half-Cocked
What You Need to Know Before You Ramp Up
The Three Workout Parameters
The Overload Principle
Creating Your Ramp Plan
Cultivating Patience
Taking it Home
Week Three: Fluffing Up Your Feathers
Peacocks and Pigeons—Being Your Own Bird
Peacock Plans
How does Self Acceptance help me Exercise?
Body Love, Outside In—Living and Dressing “As if”
New Paint
Plumage—What are You Wearing?
Cotton is Rotten
If the Gear fits
Rubbed the Wrong Way (The terrors of Chafing)
For the Girls—Getting a Sports Bra that Fits
If the Shoe Fits—Getting Properly Shod
Sucky Toes
Taking it Home—Fluffing Your Feathers
Week Four: Building Your Flight Crew
Managing Your Fear of Doctors
Talking with Your Doctor
When You Just Need to Find a New Dr. Bird
Getting on with It
So What? Relating Healthcare to Fitness
Dealing with the Diagnosis
Taking it Home
Week Five: Feeling the Wind Beneath your Wings
Staying Motivated
Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivation
Dealing with Your Inner Voices
Taking Your Inner Voices Out to Play
Respecting Yourself as an Athlete
Disciplined Athletes Do it Anyway
Taking it Home
Week Six: Birdfeed
Getting the Nutrition You Need to Keep Flying
Food as Fuel
Incorporating Healthy Eating Habits
Eating on the Run
Hydration—Let me pee perfectly clear
Designer Water
Bottles on Board
Wrapping it Up and Taking it Home
Week Seven: Flight School
Learning to Increase Your Exercise Efficiency
Talking the Talk
Why Exercise Efficiency Counts
Natural Exercise Efficiency
Form—Your Flying Technique
Gearing Up
Taking it Home
Week Eight: Leaving the Nest
Conquering Procrastination right now!
Workout Procrastination
Exercise First
Prep Like a Surgeon
Be Codependent
Coping with Fear
Brain Pain Training
Brain Pain Retrained
Escape Artist Training
Show Up
Puff Out Your Chest
Taking it Home
Week Nine: Stretching Your Wings
Flying (a little) Out of Your Comfort Zone and Conquering Boredom
Are You in a Fitness Rut?
Changing Things Up
Change Only One
Cross Training
Cross Training and Changing Plans
Changing the Environment
Scoring Your Life
New Duds
New Gear
Non-Sports Bribes
Taking it Home
Week Ten: Flying Through Storms
Dealing with Life’s Little (and Large) Disasters
Sorting Big Problems from Little Problems
Red Light Problems—Major Injuries and Catastrophes
Recovering from a Major Red-Light Injury
Dealing with Catastrophe
Starting Up Again
Yellow Light Situations—Aches, Pains and Illness
Coping with Illness
Green Light Challenges—AKA Excuses
The Five (or Six) P’s
Taking it Home
Week Eleven: Flying in Formation
Finding Birds of a Feather to Flock With
Finding Your Birds of a Feather
Flying at Your Level
Evaluating Your Class
Finding Reliable Fitness Partners
Being the Big Bird
Enlisting Your Nest Mate(s)
Don’t Put all Your Eggs in One Basket
Sometimes Our Flock Lets Us Down
Taking it Home
Week Twelve: Winged Migration
Celebrating Your Victory and Looking to Your Next Big Challenge
Celebrating Your Success
Cataloging Your Success
Sharing Your Success
Looking Ahead
Winged Migration: Planning a New Challenge
Things to Remember
Some Fat Facts
Suggested Reading
Meet Your Feet
Sport Specific Gear and Form Tips
Swimming Gear
Swimming Technique
Swimming Helpers
Biking Gear—The Bike
Other Cycling Gear
Cycling Technique
Cycling Safety First!
Running/Walking Gear
Running/Walking Technique
Dancing Gear
Dancing Technique
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