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Imperial Library
Title Page
Biographical Note
Preface by Saul Bellow
Introduction by John F. Callahan
Editor’s Note
A Congress Jim Crow Didn’t Attend
“Tell It Like It is, Baby”
Shadow and Act
I. The Seer and The Seen
That Same Pain, That Same Pleasure: An Interview
Twentieth-Century Fiction and the Black Mask of Humanity
Change the Joke and Slip the Yoke
Stephen Crane and the Mainstream of American Fiction
Richard Wright’s Blues
Beating That Boy
Brave Words for a Startling Occasion
The World and the Jug
Hidden Name and Complex Fate
The Art of Fiction: An Interview
II. Sound and The Mainstream
Living with Music
The Golden Age, Time Past
As the Spirit Moves Mahalia
On Bird, Bird-Watching and Jazz
The Charlie Christian Story
Remembering Jimmy
Blues People
III. The Shadow and the Act
Some Questions and Some Answers
The Shadow and the Act
The Way It is
Harlem is Nowhere
An American Dilemma: A Review
Working Notes for Invisible Man
A Special Message to Subscribers
Indivisible Man
James Armistead Lafayette
Commencement Address at the College of William and Mary
Address to the Harvard College Alumni, Class of 1949
Haverford Statement
Homage to William L. Dawson
Alain Locke
Roscoe Dunjee and the American Language
Presentation to Bernard Malamud of the Gold Medal for Fiction
Introduction to the Thirtieth-Anniversary Edition of Invisible Man
Going to the Territory
The Little Man at Chehaw Station: The American Artist and His Audience
On Initiation Rites and Power: A Lecture at West Point
What These Children are Like
The Myth of the Flawed White Southerner
If the Twain Shall Meet
What America would Be Like Without Blacks
Portrait of Inman Page: A Dedication Speech
Going to the Territory
An Extravagance of Laughter
Remembering Richard Wright
Homage to Duke Ellington on His Birthday
The Art of Romare Bearden
Society, Morality and the Novel
“A Very Stern Discipline”
The Novel as a Function of American Democracy
Perspective of Literature
“A Completion of Personality”: A Talk with Ralph Ellison
On Being the Target of Discrimination
Notes for Class Day Talk at Columbia University
Foreword to the Beer can by the Highway
Address at the Whiting Foundation
About the Editor
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