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Imperial Library
Title Page
Note to the Reader
Tech Mage
1. Tech Demons
2. Used
3. Allies
4. Enlightenment
5. Betrayal
6. Ship
7. Voria
8. Worse
9. Complications
10. Told You So
11. Nebiat
12. Kez and Bord
13. Going Dark
14. Mark V
15. The Umbral Depths
16. Not My War
17. Side Quest
18. Drifter Rock
19. Beer
20. It Begins
21. The Krox
22. Job Half Done
23. Kheftut
24. A Plan
25. Kazon
26. Roll the Dice
27. Closing Fast
28. Surprise
29. Battered
30. Enforcers
31. Make Every Spell Count
32. Fodder
33. Three. Two. One
34. Breathe
35. Consequences
36. One More Condition
37. The Penalty is Death
38. A High Cost
39. Tell Me
40. Mark XI
41. Totally Not a Trap
42. Sacrifice
43. Payback
44. A Hunch
45. The Power of Beer
46. Confrontation
47. Didn't I Mention That?
48. The Circle
49. Debriefing
50. Into the Mist
51. Olive Branch
52. Splash
53. Trust
54. Scout
55. Now
56. Creative Solutions
57. Fear
58. Running on Empty
59. Pretty Well Fooked
60. Not on My Watch
61. Finish the Spell
62. Flee
63. Marid
64. Answers
65. Consequences
Void Wyrm
1. The End
2. Politics
3. Mongrel
4. Outrider
5. The Temple of Enlightenment
6. The Hearing
7. For Good or Ill
8. The Sentencing
9. Spellfigher
10. Ice and Rock
11. Honesty
12. Wheels Within Wheels
13. Frit
14. Duel
15. Darkness
16. What's a Texas?
17. Equals
18. Uh Oh
19. Choose Wisely
20. Posturing
21. Choices
22. Goodbyes
23. Hellos
24. Worst Hangover Ever
25. Eyes
26. Desperation
27. Repairs
28. The Spinner of Darkness
29. Shit, Meet Fan
30. Any Landing You Can Walk Away From
31. Mini-Drakkon
32. Deadly Messenger
33. Too Easy
34. Custodian
35. Powerless
36. Neith
37. Reshaped
38. Answers
39. Smarter
40. Ain't Half Bad
41. All or Nothing
42. The Talon
43. Vanish
44. Final Prep
45. Khalahk
46. Into the Tree
47. New Friends
48. Improvisation
49. That's It?
50. Kay
51. Pirate Girl
52. Hells Yeah
53. Icy Storm of Death
54. The Cost
55. Fooled You
56. Big Damned Heroes
1. Kahotep
2. Hunting Binders
3. In Charge
4. Target Neutralized
5. Reinstated
6. Honeybuns
7. Relic Hunter
8. Assassin
9. Welcome Home
10. Wyrm Father
11. Choices
12. A Plan
13. The Council of Wyrms
14. Good News and Many Potions
15. A Present
16. Into the Depths
17. Wrong Side
18. Battle Stations
19. Hostile Welcome
20. Audience
21. Astria
22. March of Honor
23. Ismene & Pytho
24. First Step
25. Drakes
26. A Clue
27. Voria Goes to a Party
28. The Temple of Virkonna
29. Second Level
30. Boss Fight
31. Judged
32. Wesley
33. Unstable Mutation
34. Kem'Hedj
35. That's a Big Snake
36. Sisters
37. Fetch
38. Alliances
39. Back to the Future
40. Crucible
41. Shinura
42. The Heart of Krox
43. Ready for War
44. Incoming
45. Davidson
46. Your End of the Bargain
47. Merge
48. Density
49. Escape
50. Crossing the Line
51. Unwinnable
52. Poorly Planned Ambush
53. No
54. Why Don't You Let Me Hold That?
55. Out of Time
56. Best Spell Ever
57. Pariah to Hero
58. Goodbyes
59. Nightmare
60. Compromised
War Mage
1. Kheross
2. Sand on a Beach
3. Warnings Unheeded
4. Interrogation
5. Pawns
6. Always a Price
7. Doubts
8. Run
9. The Demon's Choice
10. War
11. Choices
12. Resignation
13. Honor Your Oath
14. Need a Name
15. Unpleasant Duty
16. To War
17. They're Going to Fight
18. Get Off My Ship
19. No Help From Any Quarter
20. The Best-Laid Trap
21. X-3
22. Magibombs
23. I Don't Understand
24. So it Begins
25. Inevitable Outcome
26. Desperate Measures
27. Unlikely Allies
28. Stipulation
29. Orbital Assault
30. Combat Drop
31. Not in All My Years
32. Ternus
33. Wait and See
34. Breadcrumbs to a God
35. Level 28
36. Genocide
37. Traitor
38. Bad News
39. The Price
40. Wights
41. Hold the Line
42. Colony 3
43. Death Approaches
44. Last Minute
45. Teodros
46. Last Stand
47. Counterspell
48. Shards
49. Them or Us
50. Last Laugh
51. Embers of Life
52. Aftermath
53. Time Will Prove One of Us Right
54. Rhymes With Shinura
55. Krox Rises
Krox Rises
1. Surprise, Bitches
2. Gravity
3. Run
4. Hope
5. Torpor
6. Damage Control
7. Why?
8. Unexpected Guests
9. Godspeed
10. Offer You Can't Refuse
11. Yanthara
12. The Temple of Shi
13. The Redemption
14. The Mirror of Shaya
15. Bullshit Side Quest
16. Ghost Leopard
17. Prayer
18. The Vagrant Fleet
19. Symbolic Representation
20. Memory Loop
21. Conduit
22. Neeko-Kan
23. One More Job
24. Inevitable
25. Make a Scene
26. A New Body
27. Con Job
28. The Skull of Xal
29. So Much For Diplomacy
30. Dark Bargain
31. Bootes Void
32. Husk of Xal
33. Void Mages
34. My People Will Live
35. Safety of a Cell
36. Muh Man
37. Reunion
38. Prisoner Transfer
39. Unlikely Allies
40. Inescapable
41. The End
42. The Beginning
43. This Will Never Work
44. Krox Rises
45. Into the Fray
46. Unintended Consequences
47. Innerspace
48. Rest in Pieces
49. Wake Up
50. The Spellship's True Purpose
51. Atma
52. Hound of Xal
53. Aftermath
54. Spark of Life
55. Bromance
1. Ambushed
2. Disquieting
3. The Children of Nebiat
4. Lost
5. Blessing of Voria
6. Expected
7. Actionable Intel
8. An Offer
9. A Plan
10. Divine Terraforming
11. Forgiveness Is Better Than Permission
12. The Bad Guys
13. Outmaneuvered
14. Damage Control
15. Going Home
16. The Pitch
17. Simulation Theta
18. Drifter Rock
19. Operation Reclamation
20. Outclassed
21. Taking a Stand
22. The Power of Prayer
23. Triage
24. Sand in Their Faces
25. Sister
26. Not for You to Decide
27. Questions Without Answers
28. Reunion
29. Back to Normal
30. Leave Me Be
31. Party Crasher
32. The Crucible
33. Legacy
34. I Accept
35. Framed
36. War Council
37. Waking a Goddess
38. Holy One
39. Kheross of the Last Dragonflight
40. Voice of the Outriders
41. There Can Be Only One
42. Sky Brawl
43. Warrior Gods
44. Committed Now
45. Underestimated
46. Goodbye
47. The Fist
48. No
49. Reassigned
50. Broken
51. Bitter Answers
52. Are You Mad?
53. Yes, Pharaoh
54. We Ride to War
55. Contingencies
56. Premonition
57. NEF-1
58. Something Sensitive
59. Sacrifice
60. Too Easy
61. Boss Fight
62. The Cost
63. Vengeance
64. Should Have Known
65. Rebirth
66. Aftermath
67. Unexpected Allies
68. The Scorpion and the Frog
69. Bitch, I Invented Betrayal
1. That Simple
2. Game Plan
3. Nebiat's Body
4. Stand
5. Fight
6. Trapped
7. All the Words at Once
8. Trust
9. Void Mage
10. Unlikely Allies
11. Justice
12. Instructions
13. Oblivion
14. Regrets
15. A Fitting End
16. Ride in Style
17. Time Is Short
18. Back to the Skull
19. Drink
20. Down the Rabbit Hole
21. Through My Eyes
22. Gameplan
23. Dreaming
24. Ribs
25. Warm Welcome
26. The Oni
27. Graal
28. The Gauntlet of Reevanthara
29. Told You So
30. Enoch
31. The Tomb of Blades
32. Sabra
33. Impossible Shot
34. Under Fire
35. Malazra
36. Feast
37. 10,000 Oni
38. Yanthara
39. Miracle
40. Journey
41. Simple
42. Sales Pitch
43. Xal
44. Alliance
45. Rescued
46. R&R
47. Outflanked
48. Nebiat's Fate
49. Rule Through Force
50. Crewes Versus the Volcano
51. Seizing Power
52. Act of War
53. I Live
54. War
55. Elder Gods
56. Opening Gambit
57. Teamwork
58. Second Wind
59. Can't Stop the Signal
60. Endgame
61. Planned for Everything
62. Choices
63. Remember the Beer
64. Homecoming
Note to the Reader
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