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Table Of Contents
Part I: The Life Worth Living
If Only: Life offers a second opportunity, and it’s called tomorrow
Escape from the Matrix: The fear of missing out haunts our social networks and our real lives alike, but there is a way to break free
The Rule of One Foot on the Ground: Knowing when to let go of our ambitions
Picking Your Battles: Our willpower depletes like a muscle – let’s save it for when we really need it
One Day, When I’m Younger: Hope is the emotion that most affects our lives
Challenging the Bottom-Line Approach: Valuing process over outcome
Happiness: Cut Out and Save: Ten rules that lead to happiness and that we control
A Bit of Humble Pie Goes a Long Way: Overvaluing confidence, we’ve forgotten the power of humility
Part II: Why Smart People Make Stupid Mistakes
Why Do Smart People Make Stupid Mistakes?: How our brains continue to protect us against threats that no longer exist
And Merci to the French Teacher: Why introducing a problem in a foreign language overcomes major cognitive biases
The Prisoner’s Dilemma: Judges as humans—food for thought
If I’m Not for Myself: On the powerful egocentric bias
Knowing What We Don’t Know: Why incompetent people don’t recognize their ineptitude
Birdbrained: When some birds are smarter than people
I Saw a Monkey Playing Mozart: On the roots of urban legends
Lake Victoria and Uncle Albert: Is it possible to swindle honest people?
I Accuse, Falsely: The path to justice is paved with deceptive evidence
Part III: All in Good Order
List for Life: The magical powers of a to-do list
On the Shoulders of Giants: Humans are wired for bad news, angry faces and sad memories. Is this negativity bias useful or something to overcome?
Outlook: Gloomy: Humans are wired for bad news, angry faces and sad memories. Is this negativity bias useful or something to overcome?
Cold Hands or a Warm Heart: Ranking the traits that form our views of others
I’ve Seen Happy Conservatives: What are the psychological dynamics that differentiate between liberals and conservatives?
The Matthew Effect: The mysterious engine that generates inequality
Ode to a Bureaucrat: What empowers the bureaucrats of the world?
Part IV: Alone in the Crowd
Me, Myself and I: The sorrows of the narcissist as a social animal
No Friends Among Secrets: Choosing the people to whom we surrender our asset called privacy
Long Live the Small Difference: Are we more similar or different?
An Embarrassment of Riches: Signs of social discomfort might carry a positive message of authenticity
Trust Games: The self-reinforcing circle of trust and trustworthiness
The Beginning of a Beautiful Rivalry: Rivalry is as old as humanity – how our rivals own a deep part of ourselves that spurs us to our greatest achievements
Guardians of the Lake: When personal interests mobilize to protect social capital
Epilogue: Memento Mori
Recommendations for Further Reading
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