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Imperial Library
The Non-Semitic Khazars
British Zionism, the Genesis of the Movement
Organizing Circumstances Behind the Scenes
The Early Zionists
Turkey, an Economic Vassal State
Seeking Government Sponsorship
Target Palestine, a Jewish Homeland
Manipulating Jewish Colonization, a History
Social Engineering—Militarization, Socialization, and Communism
The Corporatization of Christianity, Worshipping another God
Monopolizing Minds, the Government’s Education System
Indoctrinating the Teachers, Shaping Children’s Minds
Immigration, Facilitating Political Objectives
Indiscriminant Immigration, Creating Crime and Chaos
Multiculturalism, United States Immigration Policy
Nationalism, a Nation’s “Right to Exist”
From Emancipation to Eugenics
Communist Base in America
Imperialism and Warfare
The Sugar Trust
Political Puppets for Corporate Interests
Annexing Hawaii for Its Own Good
Early Expansionism in the Caribbean
Cuba, Imperialism in the Neighborhood
Santo Domingo, a Third-World County
The Panama Canal, Essential for National Defense?
Liberating the Philippines, 1898
The Filipinos Fight Back
US Pacification and Concentration in the Philippines
The Philippines, the Evolution of a Third World Country
Capitalism and Corporatism
The Secretive Pilgrims Society
Imperialism Abroad, Debt Enslavement at Home
Monopolies and Trusts—the Standard Oil Trust
The American Medical Monopoly
Institutionalizing Cancer for Continuous Profit
Managing Competition and Other Petty Annoyances
The Banking Trust and Congress
The Aldrich Plan, Corporate Currency
The Federal Reserve, the Money Trust
Localized Warfare and Asset Exploitation
High on Drug Profits
Iranian Oil Exploitation, a Precursor to Further Warfare
Standard’s Procedures
African Resources and the Boer Wars
Dam Hoover
Japan, the Banker’s Mercenary in Asia
Dividing the Spoils, Japan’s War against Czarist Russia
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