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List of figures
List of tables
Notes on contributors
PART I Introduction
1 The state of the art and challenges for heterodox economics
PART II The theoretical cores of heterodox economics
2 Social provisioning process: a heterodox view of the economy
3 The social surplus approach: historical origins and present state
4 Accumulation regimes
5 Monetary theories of production
6 The principle of effective demand: Marx, Kalecki, Keynes, and beyond
7 Heterodox theories of value: a brief history
8 Theories of prices and alternative economic paradigms
9 Heterodox theories of distribution
10 The micro—macro link in heterodox economics
PART III The anatomy of capitalism
11 Society and its institutions
12 Heterodox economics and theories of interactive agency
13 Households in heterodox economic theory
14 A heterodox theory of the business enterprise
15 Heterodox theories of business competition and market governance
16 A Marxian understanding of the nature and form of dominant capitalist legal institutions
17 Money and monetary regimes
18 Banks in developing countries
19 Shadow banking
20 The informal economy in theory and policy: prospects for well-being
21 Inequality and poverty
PART IV The dynamics of capitalist socio-economic structure
22 The accumulation of capital: an analytical and historical overview
23 A heterodox reconstruction of trade theory
24 Analyzing the organization of global production: thoughts from the periphery
25 Labor processes and outcomes: an institutional-heterodox framework
26 Heterodox theories of the business cycle
27 Heterodox theories of economic growth
28 Financialization and the crises of capitalism
29 Theories of international development: the Post Keynesian and Marxian alternatives
30 Energy, environment, and the economy
PART V Transforming the capitalist social provisioning process
31 An exit strategy from capitalism's ecological crisis
32 Restructuring financial systems with human advancement in mind
33 Rethinking the role of the state
34 The twenty-first century capitalist revolution: how the governance of large firms shapes prosperity and inequality
35 Achieving full employment: history, theory, and policy
36 Social welfare and social control
PART VI Conclusion
37 Heterodox economics as a living body of knowledge: community, (in)commensurability, critical engagement, and pluralism
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