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Imperial Library
Title Page
1. Free Dive Competitively
2. Escape from Prison
3. Crash a Wedding
4. Free Climb the Eiffel Tower
5. Chase a Giant Tornado
6. Navigate a Minefield
7. Pirate Copyrighted Files
8. Enjoy Bondage
9. Beat a Speed Camera
10. Become a Mafia Boss
11. Survive an Alien Abduction
12. Run a Pyramid Scheme
13. Venture Into Mayan Ruins
14. Find Atlantis
15. Survive a Plane Crash
16. Become a Mercenary
17. Survive a Disaster
18. Disappear
19. Become a Porn Star
20. Negotiate with Kidnappers
21. Climb the Pyramids
22. Find the Ark of the Covenant
23. Hunt a Yeti in the Himalayas
24. Claim Political Asylum
25. Amputate a Limb
26. Get Hit by a Car and Survive
27. Avoid Bounty Hunters
28. Beat a Lie Detector Test
29. Commit Identity Fraud
30. Create Crop Circles
31. Make Moonshine
32. Walk on Hot Coals
33. Sell Your Organs
34. Con Your Way Into the Space Program
35. Go Over Niagara Falls in a Barrel
36. Kill Your Computer
37. Become a Religious Icon
38. Avoid Ridiculous State Laws
39. Go BASE Jumping
40. Become a Fake Medium
41. Break Bricks with Your Hands
42. Exercise Your Squatter’s Rights
43. Fly for Free
44. Land an Airplane on Open Water
45. Eat Blowfish in Japan
46. Restart a Stopped Heart
47. Tough It Out in a Foreign Jail
48. Get Into Secret Societies
49. Get a Fake Passport
50. Join an Anti-Whaling Crew
51. Get Bumped Up to First Class
52. Become a Snake Charmer
53. Street Race in Malaysia
54. Stow Away On Board a Ship
55. Cheat at Gambling
56. Start Your Own Fraternity
57. Survive in the Australian Outback
58. Start a Motorcycle Gang
59. Protect Against a Tiger Attack
60. Perform a Hand Brake Turn
61. Swim with Piranhas
62. Tell If Your Neighbor Is a Zombie
63. Track Down the Most Dangerous Animals
64. Break 200 mph on the Autobahn
65. Travel to the Future
66. Place a Gypsy Curse
67. Streak at a Sporting Event
68. Build Freakish Muscles
69. Hitchhike from L.A. to NYC
70. Join the Mile-High Club
71. Become a Cliff-Diving Thrill Seeker
72. Execute a Bar Hustle
73. Break Up a Couple
74. Escape from the Trunk of a Car
75. Dumpster Dive
76. Train a Guard Dog
77. Rig a Raffle
78. Get Drunk for Free
79. Get Paid to Do Nothing
80. Win a Feud with Your Neighbor
81. Get a Job You’re Not Qualified For
82. Abuse Dating App Algorithms
83. Get Out of Jury Duty
84. Stealth Social Media Stalk
85. Make a Roadkill Feast
86. Survive an Epidemic
87. Live a Double Life
88. Take Over Your HOA
89. Con People on Craigslist
90. Spam the Spammers
91. Drop Your Awful Friend
92. Panhandle Like a Pro
93. Abuse Credit Card Rewards
94. Upgrade from the Cheap Seats
95. Stage an Epic Prank
96. Pretend to Be Rich
97. Stage an Insurance Scam
98. Create a Fall Guy
99. Interrogate a Suspected Lunch Thief
100. Become a Marijuana Farmer
101. Sneak Alcohol Onto a Cruise
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