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Imperial Library
Chapter 1: Tools, Materials, and Skills
My Go-to Hand Tools
Safety and Safety Equipment
Lifting and Moving Heavy Stuff
Woods and Plywoods
Glues and Caulks
Exterior Fasteners
Drilling Holes and Driving Screws
Tool Sharpening and Maintenance
Digging Holes and Setting Posts
Circular Saw Basics
Measuring, Leveling, and Squaring
Paints and Finishes
Chapter 2: For the Garden
Two-Wheel Garden Cart
Cold Frame
Compost Bin Trio
Critter-Proof Fence
Shadow Box Fence Panel
Drip Irrigation Basics
Simple Hose Guides
Garden Marker/Stepping-Stone
Super-Simple Path
Sitting and Kneeling Garden Stool
Five Raised-Bed Gardens
Five Simple Plant Supports
Bent Rebar Pergola
Golf Cart Garden Dolly
Rain Barrel Basics
Potting Bench
Hoop Greenhouse
Rustic Trellis
Chapter 3: Harvesting and Food Preparation
Harvesting Tote
Foldaway Countertop Rack
Harvest Trug
Shoulder Bucket Yoke
Outdoor Workbench
Multipurpose Produce Rack
Fire Pit Grilling Station
Root Cellar
Root Cellar Storage System
Flowerpot Smoker
Chapter 4: Storage and Workpaces
Overhead Storage Cradles
Sawbuck Bench
Firewood Storage and Splitting Station
Knockdown Sawhorses
Stand-Up Tool Rack
Patio Storage Chest
Wall-Hung Tool Rack
Mini Tool Shed
Modular Shed
Homestead Emergency Cart
Ultimate Yard Shed
Hose Headquarters
Chapter 5: Animal Shelters and Feeders
Nesting Box Buckets
Rabbit Hutch
Bat House
Animal Shelter
Chicken Ark
Outdoor Outlets, Switches, and Lights
Run-In Shelter
Classy, Classic Chicken Coop
Coffee Can Bird Feeder
Top Bar Beehive
Chapter 6: For the House and Yard
Boot Scraper and Jack
Leopold Bench
Firewood Cradle and Carrying Sling
Lawn Bag Stand
Backdoor Storage Locker
Punched Tin Jelly Cabinet
Clothes Pole Trellis
Spice Planter
Rustic Garden Table
Concrete Planter
Seedling Rack
Outdoor Shower
Pickin’ and Grinnin’ Chair
Solar Window Heater
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