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Cover (Western Civilizations: Their History & Their Culture, Volume 1)
Front Matter
Half Title
Title Page
About the Authors
Brief Contents
Primary Sources
Media Resources for Instructors and Students
Chapter 1 - Early Civilizations
Before Civilization
The Building Blocks of Civilization
Urban Development in Mesopotamia
The Culture of Sumer
The First Empires?
The Development of Civilization in Egypt
Egyptian Culture and Society
Chapter 2 - Peoples, Gods, and Empires: 1700–500 B.C.E.
Indo-European Languages and Peoples
The New Kingdom of Egypt
Transnational Networks of the Late Bronze Age
Aegean Civilization: Minoan Crete, Mycenaean Greece
The States of the Early Iron Age
The Revival of the Assyrian Empire
The Rise of the Persians
The Development of Hebrew Monotheism
Chapter 3 - The Civilization of Greece, 1000–400 B.C.E.
From Chaos to Polis
The Culture of Archaic Greece, 800–500 B.C.E.
Portraits of Three Poleis
The Challenge of the Persian Wars
The Golden Age of Classical Greece
“The Greatest War in History” and Its Consequences
The Failure of Athenian Democracy
Chapter 4 - The Greek World Expands, 400–150 B.C.E.
The Downfall of the Greek Polis
Reimagining the Polis: The Artistic and Intellectual Response
The Rise of Macedonia
The Conquests of Alexander (336–323 B.C.E.)
The Hellenistic Kingdoms
From Polis to Cosmopolis
Hellenistic Worldviews
The Scientific Revolution of Antiquity
Chapter 5 - The Civilization of Ancient Rome
The Time of the Kings
The Triumph of the Early Republic
The Essence of Roman Identity
From Republic to Empire
The Consequences of Imperialism
“Restoring the Republic”: The Struggle for Power
The Principate and the Pax Romana, 27 B.C.E.–180 C.E.
Making the World Roman
Chapter 6 - The Transformation of Rome
The Challenge of Christianity
The Challenge of Imperial Expansion
The Conversion of Christianity
Shifting Centers and Moving Frontiers
The Shaping of a New Worldview
Classical Learning and the Christian Life
Chapter 7 - Rome’s Three Heirs, 500–950
Justinian’s Imperial Ambitions
The Roman Empire of Byzantium
Muhammad and the Teachings of Islam
The Widening Islamic World
The Conversion of Northwestern Europe
The Empire of Charlemagne
Disputed Legacies and New Alliances
Chapter 8 - The Expansion of Europe, 950–1100
A Tour of Europe around the Year 1000
The Agricultural Revolution of the Medieval Warm Period
The Growth of Towns and Trade
Violence, Lordship, and Monarchy
Religious Reform and Papal Power
Crusading Causes and Outcomes
The Culture of the Muslim West
Chapter 9 - The Consolidation of Europe, 1100–1250
The Making of Medieval Monarchies
Continuing the Crusades
Unity and Dissent in the Western Church
An Intellectual Revolution
Courts, Cities, and Cathedrals
Chapter 10 - The Medieval World, 1250–1350
The Mongol Empire and the Reorientation of the West
The Extension of European Commerce and Settlement
Ways of Knowing and Describing the World
Papal Power and Popular Piety
Struggles for Sovereignty
From the Great Famine to the Black Death
Chapter 11 - Rebirth and Unrest, 1350–1453
Life after the Black Death
The Beginnings of the Renaissance in Italy
The End of the Eastern Roman Empire
Warfare and Nation Building
The Challenges of the Roman Church
Chapter 12 - Innovation and Exploration, 1453–1533
Renaissance Ideals—and Realities
The Renaissance North of the Alps
The Politics of Christian Europe
New Targets and Technologies of Conquest
Europeans in a New World
Chapter 13 - The Age of Dissent and Division, 1500–1564
Martin Luther and the Reformation in Germany
The Many Forms of Protestantism
The Domestication of Reform
The Reformation in England
The Rebirth of the Roman Catholic Church
Chapter 14 - Europe in the Atlantic World, 1550–1660
The Emergence of the Atlantic World
Conflict and Competition in Europe and the Atlantic World
The Thirty Years’ War and Its Outcomes
The Crisis of Kingship in England
An Age of Doubt and the Art of Being Human
Chapter 15 - European Monarchies and Absolutism, 1660–1725
The Appeal and Justification of Absolutism
The Absolutism of Louis XIV
Alternatives to Absolutism
War and the Balance of Power, 1661–1715
The Remaking of Central and Eastern Europe
Autocracy in Russia
Chapter 16 - The New Science of the Seventeenth Century
The Intellectual Origins of the Scientific Revolution
The Copernican Revolution
Tycho’s Observations and Kepler’s Laws
New Heavens, New Earth, and Worldly Politics: Galileo
Dating the Age of the Earth: The Origins of Geology and the Environmental Sciences
Methods for a New Philosophy: Bacon and Descartes
“And All Was Light”: Isaac Newton
Appendix: Rulers of Principal States
Further Readings
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