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Imperial Library
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1. Face it, you are you and they are them
2. Don’t bury them in advice
3. Make good suggestions loudly
4. Don’t come to me with your problems
5. Watch out for vacation surprises
6. Go where the money is
7. Lead with style
8. Actions speak louder than decisions
9. Know what to say to whom
10. Don’t leave your job behind when you move on
11. How do I look?
12. Please, sir, can I have some more?
13. Give them a shock
14. Send an inside salesperson
15. Back the right horse
16. Try working for a nineteenth-century mill owner
17. Encourage the musician in everyone
18. Find out what you’re supposed to be doing
19. You are totally responsible for you
20. I’m from the head office and I’m here to help
21. Ready, aim, fire
22. You’ve done what?
23. Draw your own map
24. Keep up the good work
25. Don’t talk so much
26. What goes around comes around
27. Vain, who moi?
28. Everybody lives by selling something
29. Changing horses midcareer
30. You gotta sell it
31. Make them agree fast
32. Help the aged
33. Fail richly
34. I’m all right, it’s the others
35. The multiheaded decision maker
36. Two heads are better than one
37. A triple-whammy career boost
38. Check out what it’s all about
39. Two, four, six, eight…
40. Be a dedicated follower of fashion
41. You only need 20 percent of them, you know
42. Nothing can go wrong, because nothing is planned
43. It’s a bargain!
44. Get your own way with a consultant
45. It’s how you tell ’em
46. Of course it’s risky
47. Be successful whatever your gender
48. Make me an offer
49. Make your team your wings and soar
50. Well read
51. It’s done what to profits?
52. Life’s a balance
Where it’s at . . .
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