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Title Page
About the Authors
Chapter 1: Making the Case for Personalized Learning
Disconnect between Traditional School and Preparation for a Postsecondary World
The Power of a Student-Driven Model
Contemporary Issues of Control
Personalized Learning Evolution
Conclusion and Reflective Questions
Works Cited
Chapter 2: The Aims of Contemporary Schooling
Element 1: Disciplinary Outcomes
Element 2: Cross-Disciplinary Outcomes
Element 3: Mindsets
Conclusion and Reflective Questions
Works Cited
Chapter 3: The Design of a Student-Driven Learning Experience
Element 4: Task
Element 5: Audience
Element 6: Feedback
Element 7: Evaluation
Conclusion and Reflective Questions
Works Cited
Chapter 4: Tasks That Demonstrate Personalized Learning Evolution in Practice
Inspiration for Task Designs
How the Role of the Teacher Shifts
How the Role of the Student Shifts
Needed Systems and Supports beyond the Classroom
Conclusion and Reflective Questions
Work Cited
Chapter 5: What Personalized Learning Looks Like at the Instructional Level
Element 8: Process
Element 9: Environment
A Day-in-the-Life Narrative
Conclusion and Reflective Questions
Work Cited
Chapter 6: What Personalized Learning Looks Like at the Systems Level
Element 10: Demonstration of Learning
Element 11: Time
Element 12: Advancement
Conclusion and Reflective Questions
Works Cited
Chapter 7: Leading the Change for Personalized Learning
Clearly Articulating and Creating Urgency for Personalized Learning (the “Why”)
Giving Back the Work to Teachers (the “How”)
Managing Change as It Is Occurring (the “What”)
Conclusion and Reflective Questions
Works Cited
The Conclusion of the Era of “One-Size-Fits-All Schooling”
Appendix A: Additional Resources for Chapters 1–3
What Is Personalized Learning?
Development of Disciplinary Outcomes
Development of Cross-Disciplinary Outcomes
Five Steps to Develop Cross-Disciplinary Outcomes
Connecting Cross-Disciplinary Outcomes and Task Frames “by Design”
Strategies and Tools to Support Growth and Development in Metacognition
Strategies and Tools to Support Growth and Development in Questioning
Mindsets: What Motivates Students to Meet a Challenge?
Works Cited
Appendix B: Additional Resources for Chapter 4
Templates and Illustrative Examples to Generate Ideas
Generating a Task Frame Based on an Illustrative Example: Commentary on “Butterfly Story” by Michael Fisher
Generating a Task Frame Based on an Illustrative Example: Laws of Motion by Scott Houston, an Aveson Physics Teacher/Advisor in California
My Vision-to-Action Project Planner
Appendix C: Additional Resources for Chapters 5 and 6
Sample of Developing Unit or Project Ideas from an Intersection of Theme and Topic
Day-in-the-Life Examples for Middle School and High School
Student-Driven Project Model
Appendix D: Additional Resources for Chapter 7
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