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Imperial Library
Paul Butler
Introduction to the Centrality of Style
Mike Duncan and Star Medzerian Vanguri
Part One: Conceptualizing Style
Introduction to Part One: Conceptualizing Style
Mike Duncan and Star Medzerian Vanguri
An Ethics of Attentions: Three Continuums of Classical and Contemporary Stylistic Manipulation for the 21st Century Composition Classroom
William C. Kurlinkus
Stylistic Sandcastles: Rhetorical Figures as Composition’s Bucket and Spade
William FitzGerald
Using Stylistic Imitation in Freshman Writing Classes: The Rhetorical and Meta-Rhetorical Potential of Transitions in Geoffrey of Vinsauf’s Medieval Treatises
Denise Stodola
Architectonics and Style
Russell Greer
Making Style Practically Cool and Theoretically Hip
Keith Rhodes
Jim Corder’s Generative Ethos as Alternative to Traditional Argument, or Style’s Revivification of the Writer-Reader Relationship
Rosanne Carlo
Teaching Style as Cultural Performance
Chris Holcomb and M. Jimmie Killingsworth
Inventio and Elocutio: Language Instruction at St. Paul’s Grammar School and Today’s Stylistic Classroom
Tom Pace
The Research Paper As Stylistic Exercise
Mike Duncan
Part Two: Applying Style
Introduction to Part Two: Applying Style
Mike Duncan and Star Medzerian Vanguri
Style in Academic Writing
Nora Bacon
Tracking Interpersonal Style: The Use of Functional Language Analysis in College Writing Instruction
Zak Lancaster
Multimodal Style and the Evolution of Digital Writing Pedagogy
Moe Folk
Voice, Transformed: The Potentialities of Style Pedagogy in the Teaching of Creative Nonfiction
Crystal Fodrey
Fighting Styles: The Pedagogical Implications of Applying Contemporary Rhetorical Theory to the Persuasive Prose of Mary Wollstonecraft and Mary Hays
Luke Redington
Style and the Professional Writing Curriculum: Teaching Stylistic Fluency through Science Writing
Jonathan Buehl
Toward a Pedagogy of Psychic Distance
Erik Ellis
What Scoring Rubrics Teach Students (and Teachers) about Style
Star Medzerian Vanguri
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