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Imperial Library
Contents of Volume XXX
Commerce between the Philippines and Nueva España
Commerce between the Philippines and Nueva España
Period I
Of what has been ordained by royal decrees, now compiled, in regard to the commerce of Philipinas.
Period II
Of the debates on this commerce which occurred in the royal Council of the Indias up to the year 1640, and the commissions which on that account were entrusted to Señor Don Juan de Palafox, who, being an official of the [India] House, went as bishop of Puebla de los Angeles.
Justification of the maintenance of the Philipinas Islands and their commerce
Point first
Point second
Point third
Point fourth
Informatory decree regarding the question to what extent and on what plan shall the commerce of the islands with Nueva España hereafter proceed.
Informatory decree upon the augmentation of the amount permitted to the Philipinas Islands, in both silver and merchandise; and that the products of the islands shall not be included in the permission for 250,000 pesos.
Informatory decree, in regard to opening the commerce between the kingdoms of Perù and Nueva España.
Decree in which his Majesty commands that a hearing be given in a court of justice to the citizens of the city of Manila, regarding their claim that they be not included in the condemnations and compositions of the 900,000 pesos; and [it is declared] that it is his Majesty’s intention that they should not pay what they do not owe.
History of the Dominican Province of the Holy Rosary
Book I
Chapter I
How the establishment of the Dominican order in the Philipinas Islands was undertaken
Chapter II
Negotiations of Fray Juan Chrisostomo at Roma
Chapter III
The experience of Fray Juan Chrisostomo in España until the establishment of the new province was completed.
Chapter IV
The experience of these first fathers up to the time of embarcation
Chapter V
The voyage of the fathers
Chapter VI
New difficulties met by the expedition, and the result
Chapter VII
Of the ordinances made by the vicar-general for the foundation of the new province
Chapter VIII
The voyage of the fathers from Mexico to the Philippines
Chapter IX
The voyage and experience of the brethren who went to Macau
Chapter X
Of the entry of the religious into the city of Manila, and of their occupations there until they went on their various missions.
Chapter XI
Some marvels wrought by the Lord in the convent of Manila, and the rebuilding of the same
Chapter XII
A revered image of our Lady of the Rosary possessed by this convent, and the marvels which the Lord has wrought and still works by it.
Chapter XIII
Other miracles wrought by this holy image
Chapter XIV
Other marvels wrought by the same image
Chapter XV
Further marvels wrought by the same holy image
Chapter XVI
The manner in which the religious lived when they entered their ministry to the Indians
Chapter XVII
Of the great advantage derived by this province from the observance of the aforesaid rules
Chapter XVIII
The same subject is continued with testimony taken from regions and persons at a greater distance
Chapter XIX
The foundation of the vicariate of Bataan, and the early history thereof
Chapter XX
The same continued, and some miracles that afterwards followed
Chapter XXI
The entry of the religious into Pangasinan
Chapter XXII
Of the persecution of the religious by the Indians, at the beginning; and of their later heartfelt conversion.
Chapter XXIII
Some miracles wrought by God in Pangasinan at the beginning of the preaching in this province
Chapter XXIV
The coming to this province of father Fray Juan Cobo and other religious
Chapter XXV
The election of the first provincial, and the first provincial chapter
Chapter XXVI
The foundation of another church in Pangasinan, and the first visitation of the father provincial
Chapter XXVII
The province takes charge of the missions of the Chinese, and the results which follow
Chapter XXVIII
The coming of some religious, and the second visitation of father Fray Juan de Castro
Chapter XXIX
The journey of the father provincial, Fray Juan de Castro, and of father Fray Miguel de Venavides to the kingdom of China.
Chapter XXX
Events in the province during the absence of the provincial in China
Chapter XXXI
The journey of the bishop of these islands to España in company with father Fray Miguel de Venavides, and the death of two religious.
Chapter XXXII
The election of father Fray Alonso Ximenez as provincial
Chapter XXXIII
Father Fray Juan Cobo, his virtues and death
Chapter XXXIV
The death of father Fray Francisco de la Mina, and the council which was held in place of the intermediate provincial chapter.
Chapter XXXV
The second expedition of religious from Castilla to the Philippinas, and the deaths of some on the voyage.
Chapter XXXVI
The condition in which the religious found the Indians in the province
Chapter XXXVII
The beginning of the conversion of these Indians of Nueva Segovia
Bibliographical Data
Table of Contents
Revision History
External References
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