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Imperial Library
Title Page
Historical Note
Part One: Recalled to Service
1: The Brahmin
2: The ghost’s demand
3: The princely compound
4: Portal to the absolute
5: The holy elephant
6: An honourable occupation
7: The prince’s aspiration
8: The toy battle club
9: Fateful journey
10: Siege
11: The novice parasol bearers
12: Nol’s entreaty
13: The precocious young retainer
14: The palace pantry
15: A clearing in a forest
16: Freedom
17: The Siamese territories
18: The girl in the hidden teak house
19: Martial might
20: The world his to take
21: Anxious reunion
22: The bird-god Garuda
Part Two: Palace Prominence
23: Sergeant of the palace guard
24: The hilltop monastery
25: A proposal of business
26: Unwanted honours
27: Flight
28: The bathing concubine
29: Sovan’s vision
30: The night festival
31: Exile
32: The precepts of Kingly congress
33: The corral
34: A new avocation
35: Envy
36: Jugglers and balladeers
37: The Architect’s queries
38: Nol’s dream
Part Three: Temptation
39: All the reds and yellows
40: Channary’s dolour
41: The heavenly sister
42: A house that floats
43: Induction
44: The distance from earth to Heaven
45: Its own kind of land
46: The Chinese sleeping mat
47: The boar-hunting ground
48: The Great Dual Vector River
49: Plea for peace
Part Four: A secret unravelled
50: The apsaras
51: Parental inspection
52: Parade of the princes
53: Darit’s request
54: The country pilgrim
55: Martial games
56: Captivity
57: Sovan’s gambit
58: Ransom
59: The magic amulet
60: Heaven’s eternal will
61: Abode of the gods
62: The vigil
63: The King’s decision
64: A pop barely discernible
Further Reading
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