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Imperial Library
1. From Moratorium and Malaise to Selah and Rebirth
2. A Trinitarian, Missional Theology
3. A Trinitarian Framework for Missions
4. The God of Mission Reveals His Plan
5. The Sending Father and the Sent Church
6. A Trinitarian, "New Creation" Theology of Culture
7. An Evangelical Theology of Religions
8. Turning Points in the History of Missions before 1792
9. The "Great Century" of Missions, 1792-1910
10. The Flowering of World Christianity, 1910-Present
11. The Incarnation and the Translatability of the Gospel
12. Access and Reproducibility in Missions Strategy
13. Reflecting the Incarnation in Holistic Missions
15. The Church as the Embodiment of the New Creation............
16. The Suffering, Advancing Church
Conclusion: The Church as the Reflection of the Trinity in the World
Scripture Index
Subject Index
The word missiology has been called a "verbal monstrosity" because it is the joining of a Latin a G
Years later, as a seminary student I began to formally study missions for the first time. I had the
• Christianity Today reported a few years ago that 85 percent of the members of Yale University's Ca
• The World Christian Encyclopedia recorded that more Anglican Christians worship in Nigeria in any
• An examination of World Christian Trends reveals that there are now more evangelical Christians in
The historic William Carey Memorial Church in Lester, England, is now a Hindu temple, while the ch
• All ten of the most gospel-resistant people groups in the world are located in Western Europe, whe
Philip Jenkins, in The Next Christendom, sums up this new "upsidedown" world we live in when he stat
crisis concerning missions and Christian identity within the larger global Christian movement. This
In the context of official Christendom, the church receives protection from the civil authorities (t
The ruler is responsible for the spiritual welfare of his/her people, and in his or her dominion,
Christendom has existed in both official, legally binding ways and in unofficial, more implicit, exp
Even now the flickering shadow of Christendom looms over America in the heated debates about creches
when I read on the front page of the Hindu Times that for the first time in American history a Hindu
Official and unofficial Christendom arrangements have powerfully shaped our understanding of evangel
Tertullian once famously asked, "What has Athens to do with Jerusalem ... what has the academy to do
We must recognize that the Western world can no longer be characterized as a Christian society. The
we find ourselves adhering to a rather domesticated version of the gospel. One of the legacies of Ch
Today missions, and indeed the gospel itself, have to be rediscovered in the West apart from Christe
Third, since the mission field is now everywhere, the classic (and important) distinction between mo
Christians in the West have not been prepared well to inhabit the mission field. Yet in post-Chris
The West is experiencing a growing skepticism about the certainty of knowledge, an increasing distru
Today, the rise of relativistic pluralism, the loss of faith in the inevitable progress of the human
The mainline Protestant churches23
Soon, relativistic pluralism was almost as rampant in the mainline churches as it was in the wider c
The Roman Catholic Church is centered in the heart of Western Europe and is the most obvious symbol
which was initiated by Pope John XXIII (1958-1963) and continued through the first two years of th
regularly challenged the moral relativism, materialistic consumerism, unrestrained capitalism, and
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