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Imperial Library
Introduction: The Making of a Revolutionist
Part I: Correspondence Newspaper
Introduction to Part I
Talent for Sale (1954)
Viewing Negro History Week (1954)
Negro Challenge (1954)
The Paper and a New Society (1954)
Sensitivity (1955)
The Stage That We Have Reached (1955)
A Report on the March on Washington (1957)
Who Is for Law and Order? (1957)
Who Is for Civilization? (1957)
The Weakest Link in the Struggle (1958)
Safeguarding Your Child’s Future (1959)
Land of the Free and the Hungry (1960)
The Winds Have Already Changed (1960)
What Makes Americans Run (1960)
New Orleans Faces We Still Haven’t Seen (1960)
The First Giant Step (1961)
A Visit From the FBI (1961)
FBI Asks Me about Rob Williams (1961)
Foreword to “Monroe, North Carolina . . . Turning Point in American History” (1962)
Part II: The American Revolution: Pages from a Negro Worker’s Notebook
Introduction to Part II
Editors’ Foreword to The American Revolution: Pages from a Negro Worker’s Notebook
1. The Rise and Fall of the Union
2. The Challenge of Automation
3. The Classless Society
4. The Outsiders
5. Peace and War
6. The Decline of the United States Empire
7. Rebels with a Cause
8. The American Revolution
Part III: Black Power: Promise, Pitfalls, and Legacies
Introduction to Part III
Liberalism, Marxism, and Black Political Power (1963)
The City Is the Black Man’s Land (1966)
Black Power: A Scientific Concept Whose Time Has Come (1967)
Culture and Black Power (1967)
The Myth and Irrationality of Black Capitalism (1969)
Manifesto for a Black Revolutionary Party
Introduction to the Fifth Printing
1. Racism and Revolution
2. Who Will Make the Revolution?
3. How Black Power Will Revolutionize America
4. The Black Revolutionary Party
The American Revolution: Putting Politics in Command (1970)
Beyond Rebellion (1972)
Beyond Nationalism (1973)
Think Dialectically, Not Biologically (1974)
Toward a New Concept of Citizenship (1976)
The Next Development in Education (1977)
Liberation or Revolution? (1978)
The Challenge Facing Afro-Americans in the 1980s (1979)
Part IV: Community Building and Grassroots Leadership in Post-Industrial Detroit
Introduction to Part IV
Letter to Friends and Comrades (1984)
Going Where We Have Never Been: Creating New Communities for Our Future (1986)
Community Building: An Idea Whose Time Has Come (1987)
Rebuilding Detroit: An Alternative to Casino Gambling (1988)
We Must Stop Thinking Like Victims (1990)
What Does It Mean to Be a Father? (1990)
Why Are We at War with One Another? (1990)
A “No” Vote Will Say Detroiters Want to Save What’s Left (1991)
How Will We Make a Living? (1991)
Why Are Our Children So Bored? (1991)
What Can We Be That Our Children Can See? (1991)
Time to Act Like Citizens, Not Subjects (1992)
What Time Is It in Detroit and the World? (1992)
We Can Run But We Can’t Hide (1993)
Beyond Civil Rights (1993)
Why Detroit Summer? (1993)
Afterword by Grace Lee Boggs
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