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Imperial Library
Place, Politics, and Studying Western Canada: An Introduction
1. Erasing and Replacing: Property and Homestead Rights of First Nations Farmers of Manitoba and the Northwest, 1870s – 1910s
2. Murdoch v. Murdoch: Feminism, Property, and the Prairie Farm in the 1970s
3. Examining the Future of First Nations Agriculture by Exploring the Implications of the Manitoba Indian Agricultural Program
4. On the Trail of the March West: The NWMP in Western Canadian Historical Memory
5. Preventing the Loss of Imported Labour: Trains, Migrants, and the Development of the Canadian West, 1896—1932
6. Railways, Racism, and Chineseness on the Prairies
7. Trains, Text, and Time: The Emigration of Canadian Mennonites to Latin America, 1922—1948
8. Home Away from Home?: The Diaspora in Canada and the Zimbabwean Funeral
9. The Importance of Place: Or, Why We’re Not Post-Prairie
10. For the Love of Place-Not Just Any Place: Selected Metis Writings
11. Little Ukraine on the Prairie: 'Baba' in English-Language Ukrainian-Canadian Literature
12. Embodying Family Values: Imaginary Bodies, the Canadian Medical Association Journal, and Heterosexuality in Western Canada
13. Mapping Out the Cultural Presence of Francophones in the West Via the Re-visioning of Louis Riel and Gabrielle Roy in NFB Film Adaptations
14. Badlands and Bones: Towards a Conservation and Social History of Dinosaur Provincial Park, Alberta
15. Prairie Towns: Process and Form
16. Defining Prairie Politics: Campaigns, Codes, and Cultures
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