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Imperial Library
Title Page
Preface: Re-Orienting Sexuality
Part I: Theory and History
1. Histories of Cross-Cultural Encounter, Orientalism, and the Politics of Sexuality
Reading Contrapuntally: Two Captivity Narratives
Goals, Interventions, Political Reverberations: The Queen Boat Raid in Cairo
Said and Orientalism’s Legacies
Historical Contexts and Travelers’ Testimonies
From Armchair Anthropology to Islamicate Sexuality Studies
2. Beautiful Boys, Sodomy, and Hamams: a Textual and Visual History of Tropes
The Beautiful Boy
The Sodomite and Sodomized
The Bath or Hamam
The Hypervirile Male Other
The Cruel and Effete Pasha
The Eunuch or Castrated Male
The Dancing Boy
Part II: Geographies of Desire
3. Empire of ‘Excesse,’ City of Dreams: Homoerotic Imaginings in Istanbul and the Ottoman World
Figures of Ottoman Plentitude, East and West
Taxonomizing Desire in Ricaut and Gazali
Drift, Desire, and Dissolving Designs in Loti’s Aziyade
Of Encyclopedias and Cinema: Erotic Taxonomies in Koçu, Erotic Thresholds in Özpetek
4. Epic Ambitions and Epicurean Appetites: Egyptian Stories I
Hyperbolic Histories of Egyptian Homoeroticism
Monumental Manhood and Other Recurring Tropes
Homo-Orientalism and Romanticism in Klunzinger
Homoerotic Spectacle, Orientalism, and the Realistic Detail in Flaubert
The Return of the Repressed in Durrell’s Alexandria Quartet
The Hetero-Homoerotics of Mailer’s “Big One”: Ancient Evenings
5. Colonialism and its Aftermaths, Gide to Chahine: Egyptian Stories II
No Time for Monuments: Fantasies of Reciprocity in Gide’s Carnets d’Égypte
The Closet, Colonialism, and Sexual Predation in Maugham’s “Cairo”
“H-O-M-O-S-E-X-U-A-L-I-T-Y” in the City Novels of Mahfūz and al-Aswānī
Epic Ambitions Revisited: Camp Monumentality in Chahine’s Cinema
Part III: Modes and Genres
6. Queer Modernism and Middle Eastern Poetic Genres: Appropriations, Forgeries, and Hoaxes
Middle Eastern Poetic Legacies
Improvisations on an Ottoman Original: The Anonymous Le livre des beaux
Ethnopornography, Early Photography, and Visual Equivalents of the Şehrengiz
Obscene Hoax: Crowley’s Poetic Masquerade
Reviving the Rubbiyat: States of Onrust in De Haan’s Kwatrijnen
Lyrical Minimalism, Diverse Monotony, and Gide’s Modernist Revision of Travel Narrative
Forbidden Taliban
7. Looking Backward: Homoeroticism in Miniaturist Painting and Orientalist Art
Decoding Middle Eastern Miniaturist Painting
European Art and the Orientalist Tradition
8. Looking Again: Twentieth- and Twenty-First-Century Visual Cultures
From Pre-Raphaelitism to Late Modernism
Postmodern Interventions
Photographic Legacies
Erotica and Pornographic Traditions
Visual Manifestations in Popular Culture
Homo-Orientalism on Screen
Color Plates
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