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Imperial Library
Title Page
Table of Contents
Preface and Acknowledgements
List of Illustrations
Pre-Modern Nordic Memory Studies: An Introduction
Part I: Disciplines, Traditions and Perspectives
Culture and Communication
I: 1 Rhetoric: Jürg Glauser
I: 2 Philosophy and Theology: Anders Piltz
I: 3 History of Religion: Simon Nygaard and Jens Peter Schjødt
I: 4 Mythology: Pernille Hermann
I: 5 Folklore Studies: Stephen A. Mitchell
I: 6 Performance Studies: Terry Gunnell
I: 7 Orality and Oral Theory: Stephen A. Mitchell
Material Culture
I: 8 Archaeology: Anders Andrén
I: 9 Late Iron Age Architecture: Lydia Carstens
I: 10 Medieval Architecture: Hans Henrik Lohfert Jørgensen and Henning Laugerud
I: 11 Museology: Silje Opdahl Mathisen
I: 12 Law: Stefan Brink
I: 13 Linguistics and Philology: Michael Schulte
I: 14 Material Philology: Lena Rohrbach
I: 15 Runology: Mats Malm
Aesthetics and Communication
I: 16 Literary Studies: Jürg Glauser
I: 17 Trauma Studies: Torfi H. Tulinius
I: 18 Media Studies: Kate Heslop
I: 19 Spatial Studies: Lukas Rösli
I: 20 Translation Studies: Massimiliano Bampi
I: 21 Visual Culture: Henning Laugerud
Constructing the Past
I: 22 History: Bjørn Bandlien
I: 23 Medieval Latin: Aidan Conti
I: 24 Environmental Humanities: Reinhard Hennig
Neighbouring Disciplines
I: 25 Anglo-Saxon Studies: Antonina Harbus
I: 26 Celtic Studies: Sarah Künzler
I: 27 Sámi Studies: Thomas A. DuBois
I: 28 Reception Studies: Margaret Clunies Ross
I: 29 Popular Culture: Jón Karl Helgason
I: 30 Contemporary Popular Culture: Laurent Di Filippo
Part II: Case Studies
Media: Mediality
II: 1 Orality: Gísli Sigurðsson
II: 2 Writing and the Book: Lena Rohrbach
II: 3 Manuscripts: Lukas Rösli
II: 4 Skin: Sarah Künzler
II: 5 Textual Performativity: Sandra Schneeberger
II: 6 Text Editing: Karl G. Johansson
II: 7 Miracles: Svanhildur Óskarsdóttir
II: 8 Hagiography: Ásdís Egilsdóttir
Media: Visual modes
II: 9 Images: Hans Henrik Lohfert Jørgensen
II: 10 Óðinn’s Ravens: Stephen A. Mitchell
II: 11 Ornamentation: Anne-Sofie Gräslund
II: 12 Animation: Hans Henrik Lohfert Jørgensen
II: 13 Marian Representations: Karoline Kjesrud
Media: Narrating the past
II: 14 Dialogues with the Past: Vésteinn Ólason
II: 15 Trauma: Torfi H. Tulinius
II: 16 Icelanders Abroad: Yoav Tirosh
II: 17 Folk Belief: John Lindow
II: 18 Emotions: Carolyne Larrington
II: 19 Remembering Gendered Vengeance: Bjørn Bandlien
II: 20 Remembering the Future: Slavica Ranković
Space: Nature
II: 21 Nature and Mythology: Mathias Nordvig
II: 22 Climate and Weather: Bernadine McCreesh
II: 23 Skyscape: Gísli Sigurðsson
Space: Landscape
II: 24 Onomastics: Stefan Brink
II: 25 Cartography: Rudolf Simek
II: 26 Diaspora: Judith Jesch
II: 27 Pilgrimage: Christian Krötzl
II: 28 Pilgrimage – Gotland: Tracey Sands
II: 29 Landscape and Mounds: Ann-Mari Hållans Stenholm
II: 30 Saga Burial Mounds: Lisa Bennett
II: 31 Sites: Torun Zachrisson
II: 32 Memorial Landscapes: Pernille Hermann
Action: Using specialist knowledge
II: 33 Skalds: Russell Poole
II: 34 Kennings: Bergsveinn Birgisson
II: 35 Charm Workers: Stephen A. Mitchell
II: 36 Mental Maps: Gísli Sigurðsson
II: 37 Mnemonic Methods: Pernille Hermann
Action: Performing commemoration
II: 38 Ritual: Terry Gunnell
II: 39 Ritual Lament: Joseph Harris
II: 40 Memorial Toasts: Lars Lönnroth
II: 41 Women and Remembrance Practices: Agnes S. Arnórsdóttir
II: 42 Donation Culture: Agnes S. Arnórsdóttir
II: 43 Chain Dancing: Tóta Árnadóttir
II: 44 Neo-Paganism: Mathias Nordvig
Power: Designing beginnnings
II: 45 Origins: Else Mundal
II: 46 Genealogies: Úlfar Bragason
II: 47 Religion and Gender: Sofie Vanherpen
II: 48 Strategies of Remembering: Laura Sonja Wamhoff
II: 49 Remembering Origins: Verena Höfig
Power: National memories
II: 50 Danish Perspectives: Pernille Hermann
II: 51 Danish Perspectives – N.F.S. Grundtvig: Sophie Bønding
II: 52 Faroese Perspectives: Malan Marnersdóttir
II: 53 Greenlandic Perspectives: Kirsten Thisted
II: 54 Icelandic Perspectives: Simon Halink
II: 55 Norwegian Perspectives: Terje Gansum
II: 56 Norwegian Perspectives – Heimskringla: Jon Gunnar Jørgensen
II: 57 Swedish Perspectives: Stephen A. Mitchell
II: 58 Swedish Perspectives – Rudbeck: Anna Wallette
II: 59 Balto-Finnic Perspectives: Thomas A. DuBois
Power: Envisioning the northern past
II: 60 Canadian Perspectives: Birgitta Wallace
II: 61 U.S. Perspectives: Stephen A. Mitchell
II: 62 North American Perspectives – Suggested Runic Monuments: Henrik Williams
II: 63 Irish Perspectives: Joseph Falaky Nagy
II: 64 British Perspectives: Richard Cole
II: 65 The Northern Isles: Stephen A. Mitchell
II: 66 French Perspectives: Pierre-Brice Stahl
II: 67 German Perspectives: Roland Scheel
II: 68 Polish Perspectives: Jakub Morawiec
II: 69 Russian Perspectives: Ulrich Schmid
II: 70 Russian Perspectives – Viking: Barbora Davidková
Part III: Texts and Images
Remembering the Past and Foreseeing the Future: Mnemonic genres and classical Old Norse memory texts
III: 1 The Seeress’s Prophecy – an iconic Old Norse-Icelandic memory poem
III: 2 Memory and poetry in Egil’s Saga
III: 3 Dómaldi’s death – a memorable sacrifice in The Saga of the Ynglings
III: 4 Ekphrasis and pictorial memory in the House-poem
Media of Memory and Forgetting: Oral and written transmission of memories in prologues and colophones
III: 5 Personal memories and founding myths in The Book of the Icelanders
III: 6 Writing as a means against oblivion in Hunger-stirrer
III: 7 Male and female voices in oral transmission and memory in The Saga of Óláf Tryggvason
III: 8 Medieval mnemonic theory and national history in Saxo Grammaticus’s preface to The History of the Danes
III: 9 Commemorating the achievements of the ancient kings in Sven Aggesen’s A Short History of the Kings of Denmark
III: 10 Remembering and transmitting for future generations in the prologue to A History of Norway
III: 11 Theodoricus Monachus filling up memory gaps in An Account of the Ancient History of the Norwegian Kings
III: 12 Writing and memory in The King’s Mirror
III: 13 The prologue to Heimskringla: Snorri Sturluson comments on his sources
III: 14 Stories fixed in memory in The Saga of King Sverrir
III: 15 The prologue to The Saga of the Sturlungs and the transmission of contemporary sagawriting
III: 16 Remembering old tales from foreign countries in Strengleikar
III: 17 Memorising between storytelling and writing in the prologue to The Saga of Thidrek of Bern
III: 18 Remembering and the creation of The Saga of Yngvar the Far-traveler
Media of Memory and Forgetting: Figures of remembering and forgetting
III: 19 Eddic mythological poetry: Birds of memory and birds of oblivion
III: 20 Desire, love, and forgetting in eddic heroic poetry
III: 21 Memory’s bodily location in The Prose Edda
III: 22 Embodied and disembodied memory in The Saga of Saint Jón
III: 23 The mind’s eye in The Old Norwegian Book of Homilies
Memory in Action: Memory strategies and memory scenes in sagas, poetry, laws, and theological and historical texts
III: 24 Memorial toasts in The Saga of Hákon the Good
III: 25 Old poems and memorial stones in The Separate Saga of Óláfr the Saint
III: 26 The remembered glory of Lejre in A Short History of the Kings of Denmark
III: 27 Remembering and rhetoric in the Saga of Saint Óláfr
III: 28 Poets as eye witnesses and memory bearers in The Saga of Saint Óláfr
III: 29 Reciting and remembering disastrous poetry: Gísli Súrsson’s fatal stanza
III: 30 Archaeology and oral tradition: The hero’s skull and bones in Egil’s Saga
III: 31 Memory, death and spatial anchoring in Njal’s Saga
III: 32 Scenes of competitive memory in Morkinskinna
III: 33 The curse of forgetting in Gautrek’s Saga
III: 34 How to remember the outcome of a law-suit in The Saga of the Confederates
III: 35 Men with good memory in the Laws of Hälsingland
III: 36 Re-membering a lost deed in the Stockholm Land Registry
III: 37 Establishing the remembrance of a king across the sea in The Greatest Saga of Óláfr Tryggvason
III: 38 Remembering and venerating – the death and funeral of Saint Þorlákr as staged memory scenes
III: 39 Memorialising a king in The Saga of Hákon Hákonarson
III: 40 The knight and the lily-petal in An Old Swedish Legendary
III: 41 The soul and memory in The Cloister of the Soul
III: 42 Memory and revenge in The Chronicle of Duke Erik
Runic Inscriptions
III: 43 Commemorating the reign of King Haraldr on the Jelling stone
III: 44 Memory’s role in the Rök stone
III: 45 A runic miscellany of memory, memorials and remembering
Colour Plates
Select Bibliography of Pre-Modern Nordic Memory Studies
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