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Imperial Library
Front Matter
Part I
1. Collaborative Curriculum Design in Teacher Teams: Foundations
2. Classic Design of Curriculum Innovations: Investigation of Teacher Involvement in Research, Development, and Diffusion
3. Teachers as Co-designers: Scientific and Colloquial Evidence on Teacher Professional Development and Curriculum Innovation
4. Teacher Design Teams for School-Wide Curriculum Development: Reflections on an Early Study
5. Culturally Sensitive Curriculum Development
Part II
6. Improving Student Internship Through Collaborative Curriculum Design: Needs and Context Analysis to Inform the Design Process
7. Identifying Needs for Support to Enhance Teachers’ Curriculum Design Expertise
8. Developing TPACK in Science and Mathematics Teacher Education in Tanzania: A Proof of Concept Study
Part III
9. Collaborative Curriculum Development in Teacher Design Teams
10. Implementation Activities in Design Teams: Opportunities to Demonstrate and Acquire Design Expertise
11. Human and Blended Support to Assist Learning About ICT Integration in (Pre-service) Teacher Design Teams
12. Facilitator and Peer Support in Collaborative Curriculum Design
Part IV
13. Teacher Learning in Collaborative Professional Development: Changes in Teacher and Student Practices
14. Impact of Collaborative Course Design on Instructors’ Practices and Students’ Academic Outcomes
15. Improved Internship Practices as a Result of Collaborative Curriculum Design
16. Tracing Teachers’ Professional Growth from Updating Polytechnic Courses in Design Teams
17. From Needs Analysis to Large-Scale Implementation: Using Collaborative Design to Support ICT Integration
Part V
18. Fostering the Sustainability and Scalability of Curriculum Innovations Through Collaborative Design
19. The Need for Curriculum Leadership to Sustain Systematic and Collaborative Curriculum Design Practices
20. Continuation of Collaborative Curriculum Design Outcomes: Teachers’ Transfer of Teaching with Technology
Part VI
21. Co-design as Infrastructuring with Attention to Power: Building Collective Capacity for Equitable Teaching and Learning Through Design-Based Implementation Research
22. Developing the Human, Material, and Structural Aspects of Infrastructure for Collaborative Curriculum Design: Lessons Learned
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